Chapter 4:

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***Time skip to next day because why not***

The next morning, the five of us are walking into the school canteen. My arms are linked with both Kavin's and MJ's as we discussed the movie we had seen last night. 

"I thought it was great," I say, thinking about the Avengers movie.

"You barely even watched it. You looked distracted half the time," Kavin says with a laugh. He was right, I only paid attention to half of the film. The other half was spent with me deep in thought about my crush on MJ and how Ren knew about it.

However, I decided to just ignore the thoughts and act how I normally would. Which involved hiding my crush and not discussing it with anyone. I decide to change the subject, not wanting to overthink the topic of my one-sided love.

"So, what are we doing this weekend?" I ask, wanting to do something fun.

"I already promised the girls that I would see them this weekend," Kavin says with a chuckle.

"Ugh fine," I say, unlinking my arm from Kavins. I then link my spare arm with Thymes, smiling up at him before I spoke.

"Thyme, you should take us to that restaurant. The one that you-" I say before getting cut off as MJ pulls on my arm which is linked with his own. I let go of Thyme's arm in the process, confused about why MJ had pulled me just as a girl collides with Thyme.

The tray she holds falls to the ground, dropping her food all over Thyme's shoes. I look at the girl, seeing that she wore a white headband on her head. I recognize her to be one of the girls that I had seen at the stadium the day before.

Thyme stares down at his now dirty shoes for a few moments, whereas the girl stares up at him in fear. I could already see tears brimming in her eyes when he finally looks up at her.

"Is this your way of approaching a guy?" Thyme asks. I could hear the cockiness in his voice and I already feel bad for this girl. I just hoped that Thyme wouldn't be too much of a jerk. I knew how rude he could be to the guys in our school, and while he's never bullied any of the girls before, I didn't want him to start now.

"P'Thyme. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." The girl says, her voice cracking as she speaks. "I'll have your shoes cleaned or buy you a new pair." She continues to say. She looks up hesitantly before quickly looking back down, not daring to meet his eyes just yet.

"You'll buy a new pair? Do you know what these are? These are tailor-made in Paris. Can you buy these?" Thyme questions. By now, tears have started to fall from the girl's eyes.

"Thyme just let it be. I'll pay for the shoes." I say, wanting Thyme to leave the girl alone. She looked terrified under his glare.

"Yeah Thyme, go easy on her. She's cute." MJ adds in, trying to lighten the situation a bit. However, this doesn't affect Thyme. The only person it affects is me. Hearing MJ call the girl cute, I dropped my arm that was linked with his. I knew that MJ flirted with girls often, but it hurt to hear him call a girl cute while I stood right beside him. Just as it hurt every time I'd see him flirt with the girls he partied with.

"Thyme, I want to make it up to you. I'll do whatever it takes just as long as you forgive me." The girl begs.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care-" I start to say, but Thyme cuts me off as he starts to speak.

"Whatever it takes? What would that be?" Thyme asks. I could almost see the wheels turning in his head now. I already knew he was thinking of cruel punishment for the poor girl.

"She can clean your shoes now." A random boy shouts out through the canteen.

"Or lick them clean." Shouts another student. Other students start to agree on these options, and all the while the girl still stood in front of Thyme crying.

"That? I wouldn't mind though. Go ahead, lick it." Thyme says, deciding on what to do. He moves his food-covered shoes forward, motioning for the girl to do as told.

"If you do it, I may forgive you." He tells her.

I walk up to Thyme, placing my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. "Thyme, just leave her alone. I already said that I'll pay for it." I say, wanting to help the poor girl.

Thyme just ignores me, brushing off my hand and motioning for me to step back. I sigh in frustration knowing that he won't back down so easily. By now, the students had already begun to chant "Lick it, Lick it Lick it" all waiting for the girl to comply with Thyme's orders.

A slamming noise stops the chanting, as a new girl stands up from a nearby table. The girl walks up to Thyme and I recognize her to be the friend of the girl in the headband. I had seen her at the stadium as well.

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