Chapter 13:

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It was around 7 pm now and the guys and I were over at Thyme's house. Music was playing and I sat beside Thyme as he spoke to someone angrily on the phone. Ren had left an hour ago, saying he had something to take care of.  I was having fun, hanging out with the guys, until Kavin decided to invite some females over. They were all girls from another school, so I didn't know them well. But they were girls that I often saw partying with the guys.

I hear a scream, making me quickly turn to find the source. I frown as I watch MJ lift one of the girls into his arms, before through her into the pool with a laugh. As Thyme stands up and walks away, MJ walks over and takes the seat beside me.

"Having fun?" He asks, brushing some stray hairs from his face.

"Sure," I say, before watching as one of the girls comes over and hands him a drink while giving him a flirty smile. MJ smiles back, winking at the girl before looking back at me. He's about to say something when we hear a loud splash. 

We turn, seeing Thyme had pushed someone into the pool. A boy. And then he pushes two more boys in after the first.

"What is he doing now?" I ask.

"Maybe it has something to do with Ren flooding the school," Kavin says.

"Ren flooded the school?" I ask, looking between MJ and Kavin with a confused look.

"Oh yeah. He will probably have to pay a few million to clean up the mess. But you know that's a small amount for us to pay." Kavin tells me. One of the girls moves to sit on his lap then, so I turn to MJ for answers. 

"But why would he do that?" I ask, watching one of the girls stare at MJ. I hoped that she wouldn't come over to vie for his attention. But MJ turned away from the girl, staring only at me.

"Those boys over there," MJ says, motioning towards the boys that Thyme had thrown into the pull moments ago.

"They attacked that little girl at school. Gorya." MJ continues as he pulls his phone from his pocket. I watch as he opens the school group chat to show a surveillance video. He hands me the phone after pressing play.

In the video, the three boys were shown dragging Gorya into what appeared to be one of the school's storage rooms. She tried to fight them off to escape, but they persisted. My body froze as I continued watching the footage. Her shirt had gotten ripped, falling from her shoulder. She appeared to be crying, most likely begging for them to stop. And suddenly Ren appears. There is no audio so I don't hear what he says, but he sends the boys away before offering Gorya a blanket to cover herself. He then sets off the school's sprinkler system, which leads to the whole school getting flooded.

The video comes to an end. And MJ gently takes the phone away, before taking my hand in his own. 

"This is why girls shouldn't be given red cards," I say, feeling horrible for the way Gorya was treated. I wanted so badly to speak to her. To possibly apologize to her on behalf of Thyme. Because while I knew he felt guilty for how I was treated, I knew he felt no pity for anyone else who got hurt due to these stupid games.

The sound of more splashing is heard and I look over just in time to see Thyme holding one of the boys underwater. The boy's hands splash up, as he tries to grab onto something to stay afloat. "Is your brain good for anything?!" Thyme asks after letting the boy come up for air. 

"How else would we make her quit school?" The boy asks. At this, Thyme shoves him back under the water.

Jumping up, I run over the Thyme, pulling him away from the boy.

"Thmye, he can't breathe," I say, wrapping my arms around my friend to keep him from drowning the boy further. The other two boys in the pool help the first boy to stay afloat, but none of them dare to exit the pool. Afraid to face Thyme on land.

"You're the one who told us to do whatever it takes to make her quit." The other boys exclaim.

"Did I ever tell you three to do something so stupid?!" Thyme yells, he tries to pull away from me, trying to get to the boy again. 

"Thyme, please," I beg, dragging him further away from the water. He huffs in annoyance but allows me to drag him away.

 MJ comes over to join us now. But he also seemed to be watching Thyme's every move. 

"Rose. Can you go inside the house for a little while?" Thyme asks, he places a gentle hand on my elbow, trying to guide me inside. 

"Why?" I ask. I knew that if I left, that Thyme would act out again. And I didn't want anyone else to get hurt today.

"Please. We'll all be inside soon. I just... I need to take care of this." Thyme tells me. He looked over, glaring at the 3 boys.

I looked over to the boys who still were in the pool. I knew that they were going to get beat by Thyme. But there wasn't much that I could do.

"Rose, it's okay. we'll be in soon. Don't worry." MJ says. 

Looking between MJ and Thyme, I just nod my head. There was no use trying to stop them now. I drop my hands from Thyme, turning around to walk towards the house. But not before stopping halfway to turn around and glance at them. They both were still watching me, waiting to make sure that I was fully inside before they proceeded with their activities.

*****No Ones POV*****

As Rose entered the house, she closed the door behind her. With the door closed, she could no longer hear the music that was playing or the chatter of her friends and the girls. But she knew that it was better this way. She didn't want to listen to her friends beating up the boys. Even if they did deserve it for what they did to Gorya. But she also didn't want to hear the chatter of the girls. Hearing them talk about her friends, especially MJ.

Deciding that she was thirsty, Rose didn't want to bother any of the house staff and instead went to the kitchen to find herself a drink. It was very easy to find the kitchen, after all, Rose had been coming to Thyme's house since she was a child.

Water. I'll just have some water. Rose thinks to herself. She grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets before heading to the fridge where she knew cold water would be.

After pouring some water into her glass, Rose goes to close the fridge. But when she does, the face of Thyme's mother suddenly appears from behind the fridge door. Shocked by her sudden presence, Rose backs away, quickly and almost trips. But before she can fall, she is caught in someone's arms. 

The person helps her to stand and she realizes that it was Thyme who caught her. She looks back to Thyme's mother who just watched the two with a blank expression on her face. Thymes mom hadn't been home in a few months as she was away on business. She wasn't expected to be home anytime soon, so it was shocking for Rose to see her.

"The others all went home. Do you want me to drive you home? Or should I call one of the boys to come back to get you?" Thyme asks Rose before his mother speaks.

"Stay for dinner. You two can make up your minds after." Thymes mother says.

"Why don't you take Rose upstairs to get cleaned up and changed for dinner? 

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