Chapter 12:

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*****Rose POV*****

Waking up the next day, my brain felt very groggy. Everything around me looked fuzzy as I rubbed my eyes, rubbing away the last remnants of sleep. I look around the room, my bedroom, remembering yesterday's events. Looking down, I lift the blanket from my body to glimpse at my arms and legs. They were wrapped in bandages. 

The sound of running water catches my attention.  The bathroom door was open and I could hear the sound of someone moving around in there. As if on cue, Ren suddenly appears in the doorway.

"Oh good, you're awake. I thought we'd have to call the doctors back, you sleep like the dead." He jokes. He comes over to me, a bin of first aid supplies in hand.

I move to sit on the edge of the bed now, my legs hanging off the edge. Ren comes over and kneels before me as he places the bin beside him.

"Let me change your bandages," Ren says as he proceeds to change out my bandages and clean my wounds.

Minutes go by and I begin to think about yesterday. I remember talking to Ren before I fell asleep. But I don't remember what his response was.  

"You never gave me an answer last night," I say, watching as he finishes bandaging up one of the wounds on my leg. It was much but a scratch, but it still stung when he applied alcohol to the wound.

"An answer? To what?" He says with a laugh. 

"Don't laugh at me. I know I wasn't fully aware of much after you guys put that medicine in my food, but I know that we talked about my crush... on MJ." I say, whispering the last part. as I wasn't sure of who else was here at my house. 

Ren pauses his current task at hand. Which so happened to be when he was applying alcohol to the scrapes on the palm of my hand. 

"Oww." I hiss in pain, pulling my hand away and Ren jumps to action, muttering a quick apology as he uses a tissue to wipe away the extra liquid.

"Sorry. Uhm yeah, remind me what you asked yesterday. My brain is a bit foggy today." Ren says.

"How long have you known? About... you know." I say, not wanting to finish the question. But I knew that he would still understand. He knew me so well. 

He seemed a bit hesitant at first. But then he shook his head, seaming to puss a thought to the back of his head.

"I've known since we were 7." He tells me. By now he has finished bandaging all of my wounds. He was now cleaning up the supplies, placing them all back into the bin.

"Remember you were sick for a week after we all played for hours in the rain. And the four of us begged your parents to let us stay and take care of you. They did, but the other would fall asleep first, so I would stay up later, to watch over you." He continues. He moves to sit on the bed beside me now.

"Did you know that you talk in your sleep sometimes?" He asks me. 

"So I told you myself?" I say, burying my face into my hands in embarrassment.

"Precisely. You're just lucky that only I was awake to hear it. After that, I watched you, and I knew it was true from how you acted toward him. You always treated him more special than the rest of us." Ren finishes. He gave me a soft smile while he spoke.

I felt embarrassed. Ren knew all along. And if I talk in my sleep, what was stopping the others from finding out about my crush? Or even MJ himself. It would be so bad if MJ found out.

 A knocking on my bedroom door makes me jump. The door swings open, and Kavin and MJ run into the room and jump onto my bed. I bounce up with the movement of the bed and almost tumble off of the edge but MJ grabs ahold of me, stopping me from falling. I stare at him, before quickly shifting my eyes to Kavin who was now comfortably resting on one of my pillows.

"Sorry. We forgot that you're still fragile at the moment." Kavin says. He pushes MJ aside to take the place by my side. "So we were thinking that anything you want, we'll do. Any activities you want. Just say the words." He says while he wraps his arm around my shoulder which suddenly causes me to flinch away from him. Memories of the attack flooded my mind. I close my eyes as I try to take a deep breath. But it doesn't help.

I can hear the guys speaking, but nothing they say helps. I bring my hands to cover my ears, trying to block out the voices. The laughter of the other students is getting louder and louder.  Feeling arms wrap tightly around me, I flinch but then take in the scent. 

I knew that scent. I've known it my whole life.


The sound of laughter faded into my mind, reminding me that it wasn't real. All I heard now was quiet whispering from the guys. I felt  MJ tighten his hold on me which made butterfly form in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm sorry," I say, pulling away from MJ, but remaining by his side. I look to Kavin, Ren, and now Thyme as he had arrived at some point without me noticing.

"Don't be sorry. If anything I should be sorry." Kavin says.

"Well I think it's pretty clear by now that we should have a new 'no contact' rule in place until Rose feels more comfortable," Thyme speaks up. 

"We wouldn't need any rules if it wasn't for you," MJ mutters, earning a pointed glare from Thyme.

"Please, guys. Don't fight." I say, Making them all relax a bit. I knew they wouldn't fight if I asked them not to. At least not around me. 

"Now, can we do something, please? Anything. I just want a distraction." I say, looking two each of the guys. They look at one another, each wondering what to do.

"Well, it's 4 pm and you slept through school already." Thyme starts before Ren cuts him off.

"Not that we would have let you go anyway," Ren says before Thyme continues to speak.

"But we can all go to my house. Sit by the pool. Play some music. Then we can put on any movie you want in the movie room." Thyme suggests.

"That sounds fun," I say, a smile forming on my face as I think about spending the rest of the day with my four best friends.

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