Chapter 9:

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***Nobodies POV*****:

Rose stared, frozen, at the boy she'd known her whole life. Someone MJ could see the fear in her eyes, he knew that she wasn't herself right now. He reaches to the bucket that Kavin has discarded to the side, lifting a cloth out and ringing the water from it. He slowly shows it to Rose.

"Look, let me clean your wounds. At least the ones on your legs. The doctor can do the rest when they arrive." He tells her.

Rose slowly nods her head. And MJ takes this as the signal to proceed. He slowly takes the damp cloth and brings it to one of her legs. Both legs had scratches and dried blood starting at the knees and going further down.

MJ gently wiped at the blood on her left leg. Rose flinched slightly but remained still, knowing that she would be in more pain if the wounds got infected. And she trusted MJ. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. MJ was thankful that the wounds were no longer bleeding. But there were still many scratches littered across her legs.

He gently moved on to the next leg, cleaning that one as well before dropping the now dirty rag into the water bucket.

Rose took a deep breath, as she had been doing for the past few minutes. She knew that she should keep breathing. She knew she shouldn't go into shock. But she couldn't stop the memories from flashing through her mind every time she blinked.

***Back to Rose's POV***

None of the guys say anything after MJ finishes cleaning the cuts on my legs. I'm grateful. I wouldn't know how to respond to anything they might say to me. I feel something soft touch my legs and look down to see that MJ has put a blanket over my legs.

"Should I grab a shirt? Or maybe another blanket?" Kavin asks, only to get interrupted by doors slamming and people running into the house.

***MJ's POV***

Ren ran into the house with a woman who appeared to be a doctor running right behind him. Rose tensed slightly at the sounds but didn't move. She stayed frozen in her seat. Her eyes stayed glued to the ground. She refused to maintain eye contact for more than a few seconds.

"Everyone out. I need to check her over. I'm sure she doesn't need you three hovering over her and scaring her more than she probably already is." The doctor says.

Rose doesn't say a word. She stares off mindlessly at the floor.

***No one's POV****

The boys were all hesitant to leave but obeyed the doctor's orders. They stood out in the hallway for what felt like hours but were probably only 1 hour at most.

Kaven and MJ paced back and forth while Ren sat against the door. They were all very worried. They would do anything for Rose. And with her being hurt in the next room over, they were all filled with worry and anxiety.

When the door finally opened, all three boys rushed to greet the doctor.

"How is she?" "Will she be okay?" "How bad is it?" The three all asked at once.

"Please settle down." The doctor says calmly, closing the door behind her as she now stands in the hall with the boys.

"She needed stitches on her leg. There was a gash with some glass in it but I was able to wash it all out. She also had some minor scrapes and bruises along with some pain in her ankle but nothing seems to be broken." The doctor says.

"Can we see her?" Ren asks, eager to see Rose. Eager to make sure she was okay.

"Yes, but there's one more thing you should know." The woman says.

"I had to give her a very mild sedative. Every move, sound, or touch was making her flinch. It was hard to stitch her up without causing further harm. You may go in, but have caution and be patient with her. She should be waking up from the sedative now. Make sure she takes this medicine with food and rests." The doctor informs the boys before handing a pill bottle to Kavin, as he is the closest to her.

"The new medicine might make her drowsy again, but that's alright, she needs to rest anyway. Now, call me if anything else happens." She finishes. The three boys thank the doctor before showing her the way out. 

****Rose POV****:

My eyes feel heavy as I try to open them. For some reason, I felt tired, and my whole body was sore. I could hear muffled voices but I was unsure of where they were coming from. With a deep breath, I finally force my eyes to fully open and take in my surroundings. I recognize the couch that I'm resting on. Seeing the expensive lamp on the table next to me lets me know that I am in the living room of my own home. 

Suddenly, the muffled voices come to a stop. The silence suddenly makes me paranoid. It was now too quiet. Where was everyone?

Sitting up, I noticed the jacket that was wrapped around me. I remember that it was MJ's. But where was he? I remove the blanket that was draped over my legs, seeing that the cuts that were there earlier, were now all wrapped up in bandages. As were my hands and arms. There were bandages all over.

I hear a noise just outside of the door that makes me jump. Could that be the guys? Or was it the kids who attacked me back at school? Did they follow me home? Were they here to harm me again?

I attempt to stand up from the couch, wincing as I feel my injuries making themselves known. Almost every part of me hurt. I carefully took a few steps, moving around the couch until I was using the back of it to help keep me standing. Before I could think another thought, the doors slammed open, taking me by shock.

Letting go of the couch, my legs give way, as they are still weak. I fall to the floor as the sound of people running into the room is heard.

I hear multiple voices all speaking loudly. Remembering the loud laughs and cheers from earlier, I bring my hands up to cover my ears. I couldn't handle the sounds. 

I cringe when I feel a hand touch my own. Quickly backing away, I open my eyes and see Kavin kneeling in front of me. MJ and Ren knelt beside us. 

"Rose, it's okay. You're okay." Kavin says.

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