Chapter 7:

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***Trigger Warning... This chapter will contain depictions of bullying and assault. If you don't feel comfortable reading, then please skip to the next chapter***

I bend down to pick up the broken frame only to get pushed to the ground. I feel a sharp pain shoot through my hand and leg as I fall into the glass shards.

I look up and see a group of girls standing around me. Simultaneously, everyone's phones begin to go off. "What's going on?" I ask, wanting to know if this is some kind of prank.

When no one responds to me, I reach out to grab the polaroid photo from the floor. I'd figure out what was going on once I knew the picture was okay. I grab the photo, quickly shoving it into the pocket of my school jacket. I move to stand up, feeling pain from the cuts and gashes due to the broken glass. Using my locker to help me stand, I had just stood up when I get pushed to the ground once more. I don't even have time to scream as a bag is thrown over my head and my arms are pulled behind my back.

"Stop! What are you doing?" I ask, trying to break free from whatever restraints were holding me. But I get no response. Only when I feel something wet get splashed onto me do I hear noises from the other students. They were all laughing.

"Come on. Let's get her to the stadium." I hear a female voice say. I never hung out with any of the girls in my school, so I wasn't able to tell who it was that was speaking. I couldn't even differentiate any of the girls that I had seen right before I was blindfolded.

I feel multiple hands grab ahold of me, forcefully dragging me through the halls.

"Let go of me!" I scream, trying to kick my legs out at whoever was holding me. I must have succeeded in hitting someone because I'm quickly shoved into a wall as someone yells at someone else.

"Here, you hold her, she's moving too much." Someone says. I feel someone pick me up, throwing me over their shoulder before continuing to walk. Now, I can't move.

"Put me down? Please!" I beg. But my cries for help continued to go unanswered.

I can hear the cheers and taunts of students as we make our way through the school grounds. With my hands bound behind my back, and not being able to see, all I can do is kick and scream.

The student holding me suddenly comes to a halt, and I can almost breathe a sigh of relief until I feel myself get dropped. Colliding harshly with wet concrete, I realize that we must be in the stadium now. I am roughly grabbed and forced to stand up now. My ankle throbs as I attempt to stand up straight.

"Look what we have here. F4's little flower." Says a female student. I turn my head in the direction of the voice, unable to see with my vision blocked. Someone pushes me forward, making me stumble before colliding with another person.

"You always thought you were better than the rest of us, parading around with the guys like you had the whole world in your hands. Now, look at you. They must have gotten tired of you." Says another voice.

"Please, I've never done anything to any of you. Just let me go." I say. The only response I get in return is laughs. I feel someone grab my hair through the bag, yanking back on my hair. Screaming out in pain, tears start to fall from my eyes. Everything was becoming too much. I was terrified, unsure of what was going to happen to me.

"Aww. Is the little princess hurt? She spent all of her time with four guys, who knows what kind of things she did with them. She's probably not even as innocent as she makes herself out to be." Says the female student.

"Bring her here." Another student demands. At this, I'm pushed forwards to walk somewhere, only to get forced to a stop a few moments later.

"Let's see how innocent she really is. Surely the little princess wears something scandalous under her uniform, hoping for one of the guys to see it." One of the females says.

Moments later, more hands are holding me in place and I then feel my shirt being ripped open. A metallic sound lets me know that they must have used some sort of blade to cut the fabric.

Hearing laughter come from behind me, I become highly aware that the two students holding me are males. I try to pull away from them, feeling disgusted to have them touching me. By now, the bag over my head has become soaked with my tears. I can just barely hear the laughter of other students over my own sobs.

"Cut her jacket off. We can barely see anything  with her jacket still covering her." One of the males says.

"You're right. Hold her still so I don't stab her. We need to make sure that everything looks like an accident after all. And it'll be hard to explain how she accidentally got stabbed." Says the female again. She was mentioning one of the rules of the game.

All attacks must look like an accident.

I can barely think by now as the girl then uses the blade to cut my jacket off of me, before cutting off the remainder of my shirt. I hear the fabric all fall to the floor before a new female voice joins in.

"Oh, what's this?" She says as I hear her footsteps walking in my direction. There's a slight rustling sound before she laughs.

"How cute. It's a pretty little polaroid of her and the boys.." The girl says sarcastically. 

"Don't touch that! Please." I beg, not wanting anything to happen to the photo. However, the only response I get is in the sound of paper tearing. My breathing halts, knowing what had just happened.

"They really look like they cared about you in that photo." She continues to say.

"Do you think they really cared for you? After all, why would you get a red card if they did?" Asks a male student now.

"Let's get back on track here." Says a female. 

"What should we do with her next? Thyme hasn't arrived yet, so I think we still have some time to play." The girl says. As if on cue, I hear yelling in the distance.

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