Chapter 15:

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I don't say a word as Thyme pulls me out of the dining room. I remain quiet as Thyme leads me through the house, up the stairs, and into his bedroom. he lets go of my hand once we're inside. Pulling out his phone he quickly dials a number before speaking into the device. 

"Hey, how soon can you get back to my place? Can you please come pick Rose up? Okay. She'll be waiting in my room." With that, he hangs up. Thyme turns to look at me, a look of anger and stress on his face, But I know it's not directed towards me. He sighs before walking forward and wrapping me in a hug. I respond, wrapping my arms around him. The hug blasts a few moments before he pulls away. 

Without another word, Thyem quickly turns on his heel and rushes out of the room. I sigh before sitting on the couch in the corner of his bedroom. As I get comfortable, I hear the loud roaring engine of Thyme's car as he no doubt was spreading away from the house.

I was now left alone to my thoughts. I was unsure which of the guys Thyme had called to get me. I could only wait and think about what Thyme's mother had said. Was she right? I wondered where Thyme had gone. What trouble was he getting into? Would he be okay by tomorrow? Growing up, Thyme's mother wasn't always around. If Thyme wasn't in school, he was with me and the rest of the guys. Whenever we all hung out at Thyme's home, we rarely saw his mother, as she was either in her office or away on business trips. She only showed up for important events that required a parent's attendance, or for events where she could show off her family's wealth and power. 

I don't know how long I was sitting there. The bedroom door slamming is what broke me from my mind. MJ is the one to rush into the room, he looks around before spotting me. "Rose, Thyme called. What happened?" He asks while walking over to me. I stand to meet him and he looks at the clothes that I am wearing. "What are you wearing? Those clothes can't be comfortable with your bandages." He says, gently taking one of my arms to look at the bandages on it. 

"Thymes mother... she wanted me to stay for dinner. She told the maids to throw away my other clothes." I start as MJ begins to lead me from the room. I follow him into the hall and through the house. We walk in silence for a few moments before he speaks again.

"Did she say anything? She must have for Thyme to get angry and leave you here." He continues. I don't respond to him, not wanting to tell him about what Thyme's mother had said. I don't want him to know how I felt about those words. I don't want to know if he would agree with them, that my scars would now make me unattractive.

By now, we were exiting the house, the door closing shut behind us. MJ's bike sat in the driveway, 2 helmets resting on the bike seat. MJ grabs one of the helmets, before turning back to help me put it on. He brushes some loose hair strands out of my face after clipping the helmet on. He left the helmet cover open so that he could see my face. He then stares at my face. I knew that he could tell I was upset about something. Of course, he knew. He knew almost everything about me. He could always tell my every emotion just by looking at me. He knew everything but my feelings for him.

"What did she say?" MJ asks, a more serious look falling on his face now. "It's nothing important," I mutter, looking down but he lifts my chin, forcing me to look at him again.

"You already know Thyme would have told the rest of us anyway. It can't have been that bad-" MJ says before getting cut off by my low voice.

"Do you you think I'm ugly?" I ask. At this he goes silent, a perplexed look in his eyes. "These wounds, they'll probably form into scars. And then I won't be pretty anymore..... " I say. I don't give him a chance to speak.

"It's funny. I always thought the reason I couldn't find a husband would be because of you all being protective and stopping me from ever speaking to other guys. But instead, it's these ugly scars." A pained laugh escaped my throat as my eyes began to water as I gestured to the bandages on my arms and legs.

"And now she says she wants to try and have me marry Thyme or one of you guys, that our families would be proud just to be able to merge our companies. But how could I be happy in any marriage if the man I marry thinks I look ugly? How can I even wear these clothes anymore? I'll have to start covering my skin to hide these ugly wounds." I say.

*****Nobody's POV*****

MJ stared at Rose in confusion, wondering how she could think all of these things. Without saying a word to her, he pushes forward, wrapping his arms tightly around her. He held her close as he felt her body shake with sobs. She was now crying. 

"You are beautiful Rose. You always have been and always will be. Scars or no scars. They will not make you ugly. Nothing ever could, and anyone would be lucky to have you." He tells her. He feels her calm a bit, no longer hearing sobs come from her. 

Stepping back a bit, MJ takes off the jacket that he was wearing before stepping forward again. "Here, wear this. You'll catch a cold in those clothes." He says as he helps to slip the jacket onto her and zips it up.

"Let me take you home. You can take a hot bath and we can do anything you want. Movies, games, ordering takeout. I'll call the others over too and we can all hang out together." He says.

"No... Not the others..... Can it be just us?" Rose asks. "I don't want them to worry too much. And Thyme is probably out somewhere causing trouble anyways." Rose continues.

"Sure. Just us. Let's do that." MJ says, taking her hand and gently moving towards the bike. MJ steps away, climbing onto the bike before motioning for her to hop on behind him

*****Rose POV*****

MJ motioned for me to climb onto the bike after him. I do so, before flipping down the face cover on the helmet that I wore. 

"Hold on tight," MJ says. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, making sure my grip was strong.

He starts up the bike, revving the engine a bit before taking the motorcycle, and suddenly shoots forward and down the driveway.

"Beautiful". MJ called me beautiful.  I thought to myself as I leaned my head onto his shoulder. His jacket kept me warm from the cold breeze that blew against us while he sped up the bike. Pretty soon, we would reach my home. We would spend some time together before the rest of our friends joined us in the morning. 

I love all of my friends. But I couldn't wait to spend some time alone with MJ. I just needed to make sure that I kept my emotions in check. I couldn't let him know about my feelings towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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