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Lightning flashed across the freezing sky, illuminating the room for just a moment. The rain pounded on the windows, thudding against each drop.

The room was luxurious, with an elegant wooden bookshelf filled to the brim near the door. The walls were painted sky blue, and the door was half white. In one corner of the room was a large mattress covered in thick yellow blankets. The walls were decorated with many photo frames, and plants hung from the shelves.

In the opposite corner of the room, a petite boy sat atop a pile of pillows. He was very small, wearing blue pajamas, with his blonde hair curled up in the front. His brown eyes shone in the candlelight, and his plump lips whispered, "I can do it," while his left hand held a knife.

He closed his eyes tightly and inhaled deeply, bringing the knife closer to his wrist.

"Shhhahhh," he moaned softly, as bright white light pierced through his eyelids that moments before had been filled with darkness.

He slowly opened his eyes, the light nearly blinding him as the last dregs of sleep weighed heavily on his mind.

He focused on the paralyzing lamps, and the dull gray ceiling tiles came into his line of sight.

He hissed in pain as fresh blood seeped from his skin.

Biting his lower lip, he held his other hand, gasping as his eyes became red from the pain.

The smell of his own blood made him faint, and finally, he heard a loud thud and a phone notification before closing his eyes.

He fell to the floor, hoping he wouldn't open his eyes again.

A message popped up on his phone, which was lying on the floor as he fought for his life.

A loud creak ran throughout the room as the door opened, and his parents' eyes widened when they saw their son bleeding and a sharp knife nearby.

"JIMIN!" His father's voice was cracked as he rushed towards him, picking him up in his embrace. His wife rushed to the room after hearing her husband's scream.

"HONEY, GET THE CAR!" he shouted, carrying his son to the nearby hospital.

His father's hands trembled in fear as Jimin was almost passed out due to the smell of his own blood.

"NURSE!" The doctors hurried up and took Jimin into the operating theatre.

His heart pounded as he realized he had no idea where he was. The beep of a machine echoed his heartbeat back to his ears, and the quiet ticking of a clock was barely heard behind it.

The sudden smell of antiseptics made him dizzy. Once the world stopped spinning around him, he looked around at his surroundings.

"YES, PARK JIMIN, YOU'RE DOING GREAT! PLEASE LOOK AT ME," the doctor yelled as Jimin drifted off.

His lips slowly opened as he struggled to form a word.

"Am I...not...dead?" he whispered, before passing out on the bed.

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