43.Their Morning Routine

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It was approaching midnight when a knock echoed through the house. Hobi stood at the door, a massive piece of luggage beside him. His face wore a stern and angry expression.

To his surprise, Taehyung opened the door instead of Jun. He furrowed his brows upon seeing his best friend standing there at such a late hour.

"Hoseok?" Tae questioned, his concern evident in his voice.

"Get out of my way!" Hobi snapped, his gaze fixed on Tae as he forcefully pushed him aside, dragging his heavy luggage inside.

"Ouch! Yeah, that hurt," Tae complained, rubbing his chest as he closed the door behind them.

Meanwhile, Jun, who had been resting on his bed, was caught off guard by Hobi's sudden arrival.

"Hobi?" Jun furrowed his brow, puzzled by the serious demeanor of his friend.

"I'm going to stay here with you for a few days, Jun," Hoseok declared, plopping himself down on the spare bed and covering himself with a thick blanket.

"Why? Did you have a fight with your parents?" Tae and Jun both asked in unison, but Hobi remained silent, his expression unreadable.

Tae and Jun exchanged glances, understanding that it was best not to meddle with Hobi while he was angry. They nodded in agreement, aware that their friend needed some space and time to cool down.

Tae tiptoed and sat next to Jun.

"Now, you can't tell me to sleep on that spare bed" Tae whispered with his dark dominate tone, causing Jun to blush and panic at the same time.

"Hobi is here. So behave! " Jun replied with a gulp and he turned his back to sleep.

Tae chuckled and slowly cuddled Jun, making the latter to close his eyes in pleasure.

Jun bite his lips, when Tae slipped his hands on his tiny waist, encircling his hands around his belly button.

"You are so soft! " Tae whispered as low as possible causing Jun to turn on.

Hoseok's sleep was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a moan emanating from the bathroom. Initially, he tried to brush it off and ignore it, but the persistent noise gradually filled his ears, driving him to the brink of insanity.

"THE FUCK" Hobi opened his eyes and found the other bed was empty.

"I'm the one to blame for staying here with these idiots," Hobi muttered, his frustration mounting. He uttered a few choice curses directed at his best friends and resolved to find an alternative place to sleep.

In search of tranquility, Hobi made the decision to sleep outside, seeking solace in the stillness of the night.

"Fuck my Life" He updated a Instagram selfie before going back to bed.


Jungkook's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the heartwarming sight of his adorable husband, Jimin, nestled against him in a tangle of sheets. A surge of warmth flooded Jungkook's chest as he took in the sight of Jimin's sweet pout, even in the midst of slumber.

Jimin's bare face glowed with a natural radiance, the soft morning light casting a gentle halo around his features. His freshly washed blonde locks framed his face, tousled and fluffy, as if he had just stepped out of a shampoo commercial. Jungkook couldn't resist the urge to run his fingers through that luscious hair, marveling at its silky texture.

In Jimin's tiny hands, he clutched onto the fabric of Jungkook's shirt, holding onto him in his sleep as if afraid to let go. The touch of those dainty fingers against Jungkook's skin sent an electric jolt through his body, making his heart skip a beat.

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