32.Making an Announcement

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Jimin's eyes widened in awe at the extravagant setting. The venue was beautifully decorated, with sparkling lights, elegant drapes, and a mesmerizing ambiance. The aroma of various cuisines filled the air, making Jimin's stomach growl in anticipation.

"Wow, Husband! Your parents really know how to throw a party," Jimin exclaimed, licking his lips in excitement. "Look at all these mouthwatering dishes. I can't wait to dig in!"

Jungkook chuckled, enjoying the sight of Jimin's enthusiasm. "Just remember to pace yourself, Jimin. I don't want you getting a stomachache from eating too much."

Jimin's eyes sparkled mischievously as he intertwined his arm with Jungkook's. "Don't worry, Kookie. I have a strategy for that. I'll sample a little bit of everything," he declared, his voice filled with determination.

"That way, I can savor all the delicious flavors without overindulging."

Jungkook shook his head in amusement, grateful that Jimin's mood had shifted from anger to excitement. They entered the party hand in hand, ready to face Jungkook's family and their guests with a newfound camaraderie.


Jungkook took a deep breath as he led Jimin towards his parents, his heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation.

"Hey Dad, Mom! How are you?" Jungkook asked cheerfully, enveloping his parents in a warm hug.

"Baby, I missed you," Mrs. Jeon pouted, and Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable expression.

"And what's so special today?" Jungkook inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Huh? Today marks Namjoon's 10-year anniversary with our company, and we're celebrating his success," Mrs. Jeon exclaimed, excitement evident in her voice. Jungkook nodded his head, acknowledging the significance of the occasion.

Before he could delve deeper into the conversation, Jungkook noticed his parents' gazes shifting behind him. He turned around, his eyes widening as he realized he had forgotten to introduce Jimin.

"Dad, Mom, this is Park Jimin, my husband," Jungkook nudged Jimin gently, silently urging him to greet his parents properly.

"Hello, Uncle, Auntie! I'm Park Jimin, short form of Jeon Jimin." Jimin's voice oozed politeness as he bowed gracefully, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Short form?" Mrs. Jeon teased playfully, raising an eyebrow in amusement. Jimin, with his impeccable fashion sense, was wearing high-heeled boots that added a touch of uniqueness to his ensemble.

"I'm two inch taller than you aunty! ' Jimin blurred out causing Mrs Jeon to scoff.

However, his childlike nature couldn't be contained, and he couldn't resist tucking Jungkook's shirt, his fingers playfully fidgeting with the fabric.

Mr. Jeon's gaze scrutinized Jimin from head to toe, his brows furrowing slightly as he tried to assess whether Jimin was a suitable match for his son. Meanwhile, Mrs. Jeon huffed disapprovingly, her eyes narrowing as she couldn't let go of the fact that Jimin hadn't apologized to her yet.

But just as tension began to settle in the air, Jimin let out a sudden exclamation that echoed throughout the room.

"BITCHY!" His voice was loud and unfiltered, causing both Mr. and Mrs. Jeon to choke on their words, their eyes widening in shock.

All heads turned in Jimin's direction, only to realize that his outburst was directed not at Jungkook's parents, but at their guests, who was standing nearby. The room erupted in a mix of laughter and bewildered expressions as Jimin's innocent mistake left everyone momentarily speechless.

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