39.Jun and Jimin's quarrel

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"Eunwoo, I'm sorry on behalf of Jungkook
"Jimin wailed, his heart heavy with guilt and confusion.

Eunwoo, with a gentle smile, reassured Jimin, "It's alright, Jimin."

With trembling hands, Jimin carefully applied ointment to Eunwoo's bleeding nose and mouth, tears streaming down his face, terrified of the thought of Eunwoo enduring any more harm.

"Jimin, please, you need to calm down," Eunwoo stood up, placing a comforting hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"No, Eunwoo! Don't lie to me. I know deep down you're in pain," Jimin sobbed uncontrollably.

Eunwoo nodded, acknowledging the truth. "Yes, just a little bit. But I'll recover soon if you grant me a small favor in return."

"Really? What is it?" Jimin's face lit up with curiosity and anticipation.

Eunwoo let out a mischievous giggle and planted a playful kiss on Jimin's cheek. Jimin's expression instantly turned sour, and he clenched his fists, ready to strike Eunwoo, only to witness him vanish into thin air.

"YOU JERK, EUNWOO!" Jimin bellowed in frustration, his heart racing as he dashed after him.

With a swift kick, Jimin struck out at the vanishing Eunwoo, the impact reverberating through the air.

"DONT EVER TRY TO TOUCH ME."Overwhelmed with anger and hurt, he harshly rubbed his own cheeks, as if trying to erase any lingering trace of Eunwoo's touch.

"Eunwoo, you've been summoned by the almighty Discipline Committee!" a fellow student announced, delivering the news like a grave omen.

"The Discipline Committee?" Jimin whispered, his voice trembling with fear and worry. He couldn't bear the thought of what consequences awaiting Jungkook.


Jungkook stormed into the disciplinary committee's office, his anger radiating from every pore of his being. The committee members, clad in formal attire, sat behind a large desk, their stern expressions matching the severity of the situation. As he stood before them, Jungkook's gaze pierced through each member, his eyes burning with defiance.

"We have called you here today, Mr. Jeon Jungkook, to address the alleged physical altercation with Mr. Eunwoo," the committee chairman declared, his voice laced with authority. "Such behavior is unacceptable and goes against the principles of our institution."

Jungkook seethed with frustration, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. He wanted to scream, to unleash his pent-up fury, but he knew that doing so would only worsen his situation. He had to find a way to defend himself without jeopardizing his future.

But just as the committee members prepared to deliver their verdict, Eunwoo, who had been silent until now, suddenly stood up. The room fell into a stunned silence as all eyes turned to him.

"I have something to confess," Eunwoo's voice wavered slightly, a mix of guilt and resolve evident in his eyes. "Jungkook didn't hit me. It was all a misunderstanding. I don't wish for him to be suspended."

The committee members exchanged puzzled glances, their rigid expressions softening slightly. They had been ready to reprimand Jungkook, but now they were faced with unexpected information that changed the entire narrative.

"What do you mean, Mr. Eunwoo?" the chairman inquired, his tone now tinged with curiosity.

Eunwoo took a deep breath, his gaze steady as he spoke. "I admit that I allowed rumors to circulate, falsely implicating Jungkook. I did it out of spite, fueled by personal reasons. But now, I see the consequences of my actions and I don't want to ruin someone's future."

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