36.Jimin's longingness

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Hobi's eyes widened as he confronted Jimin, his voice filled with frustration.

"Tell me, what happened in detail?" he whined, leaning in closer to Jimin, who was diligently cleaning the tables in the bustling cafe shop.

Jimin let out a deep sigh, his brows furrowing as he repeated the same story for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Come on, Hobi hyung. I already told you, we ate, he ate, and we came back. That's all," he replied, his pout growing more pronounced with each repetition.

Hobi's frustration reached its peak, and he couldn't contain himself any longer.

"That's all? What about the Kiss?"He shouted in exasperation, causing Jimin to panic and hastily cover Hobi's mouth with his finger.

"Hyung, please, lower your voice," Jimin pleaded, his eyes darting nervously as the customers turned their attention to their animated conversation.

Realizing his outburst had caused a scene, Hobi let out a sheepish smile and nodded apologetically to the customers.

Jimin breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the opportunity to redirect Hobi's attention and maintain a calm atmosphere.


With the last customer bid farewell, Jimin finally had a moment to himself. He leaned against the counter, his mind wandering to thoughts of going back home.

A subtle blush tinted his cheeks as he considered the reason behind his excitement—Jungkook. The mere thought of his husband was enough to send waves of warmth and anticipation through Jimin's body.

Noticing Jimin's flushed complexion, Hobi couldn't resist teasing him.

"You're blushing, Jimin," he scoffed, picking up his backpack in preparation to leave.

Jimin pouted, denying the obvious.

"I'm not," he retorted, turning his attention to Jun, who appeared distant and cold towards his boyfriend, Taehyung.

Concern etched across his face, Jimin turned to Hobi, seeking answers.

"What happened to Jun? Why is he behaving cold towards Tae?" he inquired, worried for his friends' relationship.

Hobi let out a sigh, preparing himself to relay the events of the previous day.

"Ah, you remember how Tae fulfilled your duty, right?" he began.

Jimin nodded, recalling Taehyung's act of kindness on his behalf.

"Well, there was a customer who started flirting with Tae, and unfortunately, our mischievous baby bear flirted back," Hobi explained, a mixture of amusement and tears in his eyes.

"And, Jimin, here's the real comedy—out of nowhere, the customer kissed Tae on the cheek," he concluded, unable to hold back his laughter.

Jimin's expression darkened, his pout deepening into a scowl.

"That's so rude! How could Tae let someone kiss him?" he sulked, empathizing with Jun's heartbreak.

Hobi's laughter subsided, and he placed a comforting hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"Come on, Jimin. Let's not be like those old uncles and aunties who get mad over every little thing," he advised, hoping to impart some wisdom.

He continued,

"The kiss was unexpected, and we need to understand that Tae loves Jun. He won't let anyone spoil their relationship. Besides, Tae knows when and how to react. If we get mad at every instance of someone praising his beauty or stealing a kiss, we're the ones losing out. Tae knows how to handle himself, and his actions speak louder than words. That kiss meant nothing compared to a real, meaningful kiss."

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