21.Rescusing him

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Jimin stood frozen in the parking lot, his eyes glued to the empty space where Jungkook's car had been moments ago. He couldn't believe that his husband had left him like this, without a second thought. It felt like a punch in the gut, a reminder of all the times his own mother had let him down.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. But the memories flooded his mind, of all the times his mother had failed to pick him up from school or attend his parent-teacher meetings. He had always felt like a burden to her, like she didn't care about him at all.

A lone tear escaped from his eye, and he wiped it away angrily. He didn't want to feel like this, didn't want to feel so alone and unloved. But the thought of nobody being there for him, nobody caring for him, was too much to bear.

He stood there for a few more minutes, lost in his thoughts and emotions. But then he straightened up, determined not to let this bring him down. He was going to be strong, and he was going to prove to himself that he didn't need anyone else to be happy.


As Jungkook helped Sweety out of the car and walked her to the door of her mansion, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness that their time together was coming to an end.

"Thank you so much for your help, Jungkook. I really appreciate it," Sweety said, turning to face him and giving him a warm smile.

"It was no problem at all, Sweety. I'm just glad I could help," Jungkook replied, returning her smile.

Sweety hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Um, Jungkook... would you like to come inside for a little bit? I could show you around my house and my garden. And some coffee? ," she said, her voice trailing off as she looked up at him hopefully.

Jungkook hesitated, unsure if it was a good idea to go inside. But he didn't want to be rude and decline Sweety's offer, so he nodded and followed her inside.

As Sweety led him through her beautiful mansion, Jungkook couldn't help but be impressed by her taste and style. He was especially struck by the gorgeous garden in the backyard, which was filled with colorful flowers and exotic plants.

"This is incredible, Sweety. Your house and garden are so beautiful," he said, turning to her with a smile.

"Thank you, Jungkook. I'm glad you like it," Sweety replied, her cheeks turning pink.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I called a mechanic to fix your car, Sweety." he said, hoping to show her his gratitude.

Sweety was surprised by his thoughtfulness. "You didn't have to do that, Jungkook. But thank you, I really appreciate it," She said, feeling a warmth spreading through her chest.

"Wasn't your parents aren't at home? " Jungkook wanders the mansion and to his surprise,there is no sign of her parents living here.

"I live alone with my grandmother, Jungkook. And my parents, (she went near to Jungkook and tip toed to reach Jungkook's ears,) I let them alone to enjoy their life! " She whispered and giggled at her statement.

Jungkook slowly turned his face and he caught how sweety was smiling warmly, causing his heart fluttering.

Sweety caught Jungkook's intense staring, "Jungkook? " She called and there was no response.

"Do I look gorgeous?"she whispered, yet there is no response.

Sweety chuckled and poked Jungkook's cheeks with her index finger.

"Huh? " He blinked his eyes and was embarassed to staring at her for a long time. 'Sorry! Where is the washroom? " He scratched his neck awkwardly and wanted to ran away from this situation.

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