Chapter 1

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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




Two hours! My sister's plane was two hours late and my ass was feeling as sore as if I'd taken an eight hour drive due to the uncomfortable seats in the waiting area near baggage claim. I'd almost dozed off several times before the annoyingly loud claxons would start up, announcing the arrival of another mountain of bags coming around the conveyor belts. I couldn't complain too much though, she was worth it. Considering that Ella was almost ten years younger than I was, she was still my best friend, and it would be awesome to see her again. She was pretty much the only person I would do this for on a Thursday night after a full day of work.

I was living and working in Boston, which was good as they have a great mass transit system and I detest driving. I know, I'll turn in my man card, but I didn't need the anxiety of traffic or commuting. Just let me ride the subway everywhere I needed to go please and thank you! But Boston also had several colleges that provided exactly what my kid sister, the athlete in the family, was looking for.

A women's ice hockey team.

I was surprised she was going to school in Boston, since our parents' house out in Michigan was a stone's throw from several powerhouse women's college teams, but I guess she wanted to come hang with me. I didn't mind at all, she could even live at my apartment if she went to school here, since I had a good amount of space, and it let me see the kid sister that I had seen all too infrequently since I went off to college myself. Her trip was to check out the last two colleges that were recruiting her, Boston College and Boston University, and see if she liked either of them enough to commit to playing.

But first her plane had to arrive.

At long last, my phone buzzed with an incoming text, and I was gratified to see that it was Ella, having landed and taxiing to the gate. With a sigh of relief, I stood up and stretched, my body creaking in protest. I know, I'm only 27, and I shouldn't be creaking, but you try sitting in those chairs for a few hours!

Ella wasn't hard to find. While she wasn't huge, not too many people are as energetic as she is, and she was almost running into the baggage claim area when I caught a glimpse of her behind what looked like a family reunion. I headed her way and was almost tackled as she grabbed me into a ferocious bear hug, picking me up like I was a feather.

To her, that might be true. Full disclosure, I'm not a big guy. I'm only 5'8" tall and weigh a mere 130 pounds. My sister is the same height as me but has another ten pounds of muscle on her frame. She got the athlete gene, and I got the school nerd gene. But we'd both made it work, though it took me till the end of my schooling to get there. She blossomed a lot earlier.

"Hey Logan!" she screamed into my ear. "I missed you so much!"

I squirmed a bit to be let down, but she refused to budge, and just grinned at me instead. Damnit, I hated that she was so much stronger than me. "Hey Ella. Welcome to Boston!"

"Oh man, it's so good to be here. You have no idea how much mom and dad are driving me crazy!"

"Now you know why I went away for college," I pointed out. "They can't help it though; they just want you to make a good choice."

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