Chapter 6

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If you have the word 'Shake' in the name of your place, you better make a damned good shake. Luckily, Shake Shack does exactly that, and we retreated to our corner table with our milkshakes. Everyone had chocolate except me and my strawberry. Elske and Iryna also had burgers and fries to help offset all the energy they'd just used up in the game. They were even nice enough to share their fries, which I appreciated quite a bit. I mean, sharing food can be a big deal for some people, but this was fun.

The conversation flowed easily, I knew I could tease Ella about Elske and their flirting later, Iryna was both charming and beautiful, and I did my best not to put my foot in my mouth. So far, I thought I'd done a pretty good job of that. The table had broken into two conversations, and Ella and Elske talking about a ranking of various streaming shows, and Iryna and I trying to get to know each other a little better.

"So, Ella says you're a math guy," Iryna prompted with a smile. "I have no idea what that means. I didn't think it was as a teacher."

I could only shake my head at my sister, though I guess I could give her a pass. I'd never really gone too much into detail with my family over what I do for work, as I didn't want to get all technical over it. "No, not a teacher. I make trading algorithms to tell financial institutions when to buy and sell stocks, bonds, and other things."

She nodded subtly. "That sounds like more than math."

I smiled happily, since it seemed like she got the gist of it. "Yeah, there is a lot of computer work and analysis. But it's fun to see what you make work, so that is kind of cool. What about you? What do you do outside of playing hockey?"

She arched her eyebrow at me in shock. "You assume I do something besides play hockey?"

"I do. I mean, you're on a hockey scholarship I assume, but what is your major? What do you do in the offseason?" Please tell me I'm not fucking this up!

Her face softened as she broke out into a smile that made my heart melt just a little. "I'm actually an art major. I love photography because I used to go with my dad on weekends on photo trips. I don't think I can make a living playing hockey after college, so I'd like to do something with that. There is a lot of scenery to take photos of here, and I've done a few weddings too."

"I might need your help then! Ella thinks I need to get some color in my place, its all black and white right now," I suggested. "Are you available to be an art supplier?"

"Damn Logan, trying to get me to your place already?" she snickered. "Seriously though, yeah. We can do that. Actually, we could go over to the Student Union after your tour tomorrow, they have a little student art gallery if you want to pick something out to start with."

"That would be good, yeah. Maybe Ella won't yell at me so much then." I smiled at the woman across from me who seemed to be enjoying herself with me. I half expected something to go wrong, though nothing had yet. "So, you're a junior? That makes you 20 or so?"

She nodded quickly. "Yep. Not legal to drink yet, not that everyone doesn't try to get me to drink at any campus party I've been to. I try to be good about it though."

And that was the beginning of the differences. Parties and I didn't mix. I'd tried a few times in high school but was quickly kicked out by whichever bully saw me first. In college, I actually went to one for an hour, but left when I realized there was nothing for me to do there since I knew nobody and didn't care to drink. With her popularity, I was sure Iryna was invited to a lot of parties.

"If it helps, I'm legal but never drink. I never started when I was younger, and by the time I got around to trying it, I never liked the flavor," I explained. "I don't think I'd like a hangover either."

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