Chapter 35

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"You did what?" Ryn yelped as we snuggled together in my hotel room. It was the only night we'd be able to do this since tomorrow she'd be back on the team schedule and dealing with curfews and other rules.

               "I tricked my old bully into having his brother's team beat up Fisher," I replied, hoping she'd be okay with this.

               She sank back onto the pillows and let out a heavy sigh. "Unbelievable."

               Shit. This wasn't a good sign. "I'm sorry, I know it was wrong, but I couldn't let him get away with doing that to you. I just couldn't!" I couldn't even look at her now, and I was petrified she was going to leave.

               She rolled back to face me, pulling me close and lifting my chin so she could kiss me slowly. Just letting her lips move gently against mine before pulling away. "I'm not upset at you. Honestly, I can't believe I never thought about something like that. Last year, we had two girls transfer out of the college to go to Minnesota to escape his unwanted advances, he was that bad. I was so angry, and it never dawned on me to do something like that. I know several guys on the men's teams we play, and not once did I think to ask for a favor. It kills me that it took this long to do it!"

               "You're sure?"

               "Yes! I'm mad at myself! I could have been doing this every time he got out of control!" she breathed gustily, blowing her blonde hair out of her face. "It could have made things so much easier!"

               "Ryn, it isn't your job to be the police for everyone, okay?" I rolled atop her, giving her a big hug. "There were a lot of flags out there that any number of people could have picked up on and didn't. That doesn't make it your fault."

               "I still could have done more," she still muttered.

               I nodded a little. "We all could have. But now he's been put in his place for a bit anyway."

               "Until the next time."

               "Yeah, until the next time. He's been taken in for questioning twice, and sooner or later he won't get away with it. Even before the game today, the rest of his team was already shunning him. Things are catching up with him," I reminded her. Truthfully, the world was full of people like Fisher, and unless people stood up to them, it was going to be hard to make them stop. There was no perfect answer.

               "Thank you for doing that to him. I know it wasn't the right solution, but it was the best we could probably do at the moment," she whispered. "I love you."

               "I love you too, Ryn. I'd do anything to protect you. Besides, he really deserved that."

               "Yeah, he did," She pulled me in close to her, and I could tell she was getting sleepy as her breathing slowed. Mine slowed along with hers, and together we drifted off to the darkness of a welcome sleep.

               The next week went fast. During the day I was working from the hotel while Iryna was practicing, and everything was going smoothly. The Eagles had won their next two games, with Ryn only letting in one score between the two of them and were set up for the finals over the weekend. Ella had come for the final game and was bouncing all over the place and in general acting like a kid with her idols. Which she was. As much time as she spent with Elske on the phone, it wasn't the same as being in the presence of the whole team, and they were happy to have her there to gain more chemistry with a player that would be joining them the following season.

               The finals were against another powerhouse team, the defending champion Ohio State Lady Buckeyes, and the team all knew that it was going to be a tough fight. I'd kept up my post practice habit of giving Ryn her massage, and now Ella had picked that up for Elske too. It was rough on my sister and I, because I knew we were both aching to touching them even more by the end of it. But we were good.

               And I knew that all four of us were thinking about what we'd do for a celebration if they won.

               We'd also heard about Fisher's condition. Evidently in the hit that put him up and over the board, he'd torn his quadriceps and broken his right leg. He was going to have a long recovery time, and I was okay with that. He'd be recovering and going through therapy through the end of the semester at a minimum, and then hopefully he'd move on to another city and leave us alone. But if he stuck around Boston, I had no problem finding another person to beat his ass.

               The day of the final, Ella and I were on pins and needles. Our girlfriends were down in the locker room, and we were in the stands to cheer them on, both getting full on concession foods to soothe our nerves. It helped a little, as the salty food gave our bellies what they needed.

               When the team came out to skate, we were both on our feet, waving at the girls and cheering them on. The excitement kept mounting as the game time got closer and closer, and I thought I might gnaw my fingernails down to the bone if I kept this up! But finally the teams were ready, and the puck dropped to start the game.

               The first period was tight. Both teams were great, and while Ryn was looking spectacular in goal, the netminder for Ohio State was playing wonderfully too. As much as I wanted to see good playing, I'd love it if she messed up a little for us.

               Unfortunately, the first mistake made was by BC, which let a lone Ohio State player get behind them for a breakaway. My heart was in my throat as she barreled towards Ryn, and I had no idea what she'd do. Ryn crouched, seeming to glide slowly backwards, and then just as the other girl started to make a move, Ryn's stick flashed out, poking the puck away before she even had a chance to shoot it. I was on my feet in a flash, cheering at the save, barely realizing that a two on one break had started the other way because the Buckeyes had over skated while chasing their teammate.

               It was Bobbie and Elske, and the poor Ohio State defenseman didn't seem to know what to do. Elske had the puck and faked a shot before threading a perfect pass to Bobbie, who had an almost open net after the goalie overreacted to Elske and she buried the puck in the net for the lead. Ella joined me in screaming, and we probably looked a little crazy while cheering so wildly, but neither of us cared. The Eagles got another goal before the Buckeyes got one in with a puck that deflected off a skate and left Ryn no chance, but we were still looking good going into the third period.

               "You ready to get out there for these games?" I asked Ella who looked like she was ready to climb over the glass to get to the ice.

               "Fuck yes! This is so intense! I've never seen anything like this!"

               She was right. A normal hockey game is fast and exciting, but this battle was amped up so much further that I wasn't sure how the hell the players weren't buckling under the pressure! It just gave me a newfound respect for not only Iryna, but all the women on the ice. They really were playing extremely well.

               I guess it was kind of like my work near the end of the fiscal year when everyone was trying to get as much money in the door as possible. It was stressful, but you didn't have people screaming and cheering you on while you worked. That would be kind of cool though.

               As the third period started, it was evident that both teams were going all out. Ohio State kept trying to get as many shots on Ryn as possible, hoping for a lucky bounce or someone screening her vision, but it just wasn't working. The defense was up to the task, and any shot that made it past them Ryn was able to turn away.

               The Buckeyes started getting frustrated, and then sloppy, and the Eagles capitalized with another goal. A late empty net goal when the Buckeyes had pulled the goalie gave the Eagles a 4-1 win, and our girls were champions.

               The teams lined up at center ice, forming lines so each player could shake the hand of the other while fans either cheered or left dejectedly, depending on which team they rooted for, and then the Eagles skated around and waved at everyone. By that time, Ella and I had moved to the bottom of the arena, close to the glass so we could be as close as possible, and I swear the smiles on Elske and Iryna were the biggest I'd ever seen on anyone. Our girlfriends had proven themselves to be the best in the country.

               And we couldn't wait to help them celebrate!

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