Chapter 15

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We spent the day hanging out on the couch and watching movies with the electric fireplace making it feel comfy. Was there some snuggling and kissing? Yes. Did I make her put a pair of my sweatpants on because her ass was hypnotizing me in the thong? Also, yes. Did it help? Only a little, but that little was enough to keep my last shred of sanity. I don't think I would count it as a date, and yet it was more comfortable than either of the other times we'd spent together. We also shared a lot of our background with each other, the stuff that we normally would have done on early dates had we planned them better.

               Maybe it was the food, or Ryn reminding me that we didn't have to worry about being embarrassed with each other, but the day was perfect. She ended up spooning me on the couch again, and I don't think I'd ever been happier to be anywhere than in her arms. There may have been a few kissing breaks, though those times we were gentle and didn't press the issue too much. We both knew how close we'd come to losing control earlier and wanted to take our time.

               Don't get me wrong, I wanted more, but I'd rather wait, and do it when we were absolutely sure than rush it for short term pleasure. We had all the time in the world for more once we had a few more dates. Did this count as another date? I hoped so. It was the best one so far, and I was feeling a whole hell of a lot better about our fledgling relationship than I had the night before.

               "Do you think we could do this again?" I asked at the end of another kissing session.

               "Of course, we can kiss whenever you like!" Ryn replied, leaning in and pecking me again.

               "No, I mean the just hang out and snuggle part. I mean, yes, kissing too! But I really love just being in your arms. I don't think I want you to have to go back to the campus."

               She smiled at me, her hands on my lower back and squeezing me gently so my belly didn't hurt getting squished against her. "I'd like that. I don't see why we can't have a lot of sleepovers. Any night I don't have a game, and have no morning class, I can be here."

               "Would that be too much, too soon?" I didn't want to make either of us uncomfortable, but the day had gone so effortlessly perfect, that I just wanted to do it over and over.

               "No, not at all. Even if we step out for a little food, or a walk around the city, just the two of us, it might be a good thing too," she suggested. "We only seem to run into problems when it is more than us. Right now, we should work on our dynamic before we introduce others into it."

               "That sounds really good. I like us together."

               "I do too. I think I needed someone sweet like you in my life. When Ella told me about you, I thought she was talking you up just because you're her brother, but I think she knew us pretty well."

               I chuckled a little at the memory of Ella and the sign at the hockey game. "If she had told me who you were, I probably would have been petrified to meet you, so I'm glad she surprised me with it."

               "Well, you were worth the puck I had to pay for you!" she snickered.

               "Oh yeah, so I guess I'm all yours now? Traded for a puck?"

               "Indeed! And I want my money's worth!" She rolled onto her back, pulling me atop her. "I have a game on Wednesday. Feel like coming to it?"

               "Of course, I'll be there. I've been watching them streaming anyway, so it will be nice to see a live game again." I was very aware of her body under my own. She was soft in all the right places, yet rock solid with her muscles in others, and it wasn't long before my body was reacting just as much as you would expect.

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