Chapter 5

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We didn't rush when the game was over. Ella wanted to stay and watch the teams line up and do the handshake and then they headed off the ice. Iryna gave us a wave as she did, and we waved back, both of us excited this time. Hell, even if things didn't work out, Iryna looked like one of the most impressive athletes I'd ever seen perform. Her strength, stamina and reflexes were otherworldly. At a minimum, I couldn't wait to meet her purely from an admiration standpoint.

The locker rooms were easy to get to, once we asked directions. Ella gave them her name, and as Iryna had promised, they knew we were coming. We couldn't go into the locker room itself, but we waited outside. I assumed that the team was having whatever meetings they would have after a victory and then getting cleaned up to leave. Was there a team bus? Did they need that when they were in the same city that their school was in?

"That was such a good game!" Ella said dreamily. "I can't wait to meet some of those girls!"

"Are you going to be okay being their teammate next year?" I wondered. She'd be one of the players that the fans would be screaming for next time.

She stared at me, slack jawed. "I'm going to be warming up with Iryna! I'm going to be shooting shots at her! I'll be on team buses with her and in team meetings!"

"Oooh, meetings!" I teased.

"Shut up! You know what I mean!" she smacked my arm, which actually hurt a little because my damned little sister is strong.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It isn't the same in my business. We don't get rock star athletes that people pay to see or anything. Nobody is sitting outside my cubicle watching me code and cheering when I finish," I pointed out.

"True. But I bet when they see the money they're making, they probably would love to thank you for it!"

I couldn't argue with that, so I just shrugged.

A little while later, the team started filtering out a little bit at a time. A few of them waved at Ella, maybe they remembered her from that Zoom call she'd mentioned, but they all looked like they had plans. College kids on a Friday in a big city? Yeah, they had places to go.

Iryna was one of the last out, and holy fuck was she worth the wait.

She'd come out with another blonde, this one about my height while Iryna had a good two inches on me. But those blue eyes were impossible to miss, and I knew immediately which one was Iryna. She was stunning. Her blonde hair was damp and up in a ponytail, and she looked almost as big as she did with all the pads on. The body that had been hidden under all those pads almost made my jaw drop, and I had to rip my eyes away from her breasts. Fuck I felt like such a pervert! She had muscles on her muscles, and it was like being at the gym to get Ella all over again. I couldn't stop staring!

"Hey, thanks for waiting," she said with a soft smile while looking me over with a smirk, then cut her eyes over to Ella. "Ella, this is Elske, she missed the Zoom call but really wanted to meet you so we could trip over both your names all the time. And you're Logan, right?"

Elske was another pretty girl, with brown eyes and a wide smile. "Hi!" she said with a thick accent. "I heard you might be our teammate next year!" She stuck her hand out to shake Ella's hand, and Ella quickly stuck her hand out in response.

"Yeah! You guys kicked ass tonight!" she gushed. "I really hope I can be playing with you next year!"

I stuck my hand out and got two shakes in return, impressed by how strong Iryna's grip was. "Yeah, I'm Logan. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

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