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The five teenagers sat at a table inside Big Papa's laughing at a story that Ashton told. Michael should have made Ashton promise that he wouldn't tell any stories about Michael, period. But any story about them when they were kids is better to understand and laugh about than the story of today.

Michael sat between Ashton and Mellie. His leg was bouncing underneath the circular table. Although his nerves had seemed to disappear a while ago, it was a bad habit. It probably showed that he still was a bit nervous about this whole thing, but so far he was having a good time with his friends.

"There was this one time in freshman year," Mellie spoke up from next to Michael with a smile on her face. She peeked over her shoulder at her friend who sat next to her, a mischievous look on her face. Izzy must have known the story she was about to tell because she jumped on her, her hand going immediately to Mellie's mouth. Mellie squirmed in her grasp and there were muffled laughs coming from between Izzy's fingers.

"I wanna know what happened in freshman year," Ashton says with a fork in his hand. They were still waiting for their pizza to come, it's been a couple of minutes since they ordered. But they had eaten all of the caesar salad and the mozzarella sticks.

"No, no stories." Izzy sat back with a harsh grin on her face, her nose scrunched up as she watched her best friend.

"What story did you think I'd tell?"

"I'm not saying. If I say the one I'm thinking, then you'll tell that one and the one you were thinking." Izzy anxiously pulled the curls in her hair as she leaned on the table with her elbows. There were multiple drawings around her plate on the table. That was one thing Michael loved the most about Big Papa's. They have those crayons in the middle of the table for you to draw with on the white sheet that covers the tablecloth.

Mellie sat up straight in her chair and rolled her eyes. She looked over at Michael and leaned in to whisper to him. He bent over so her mouth was near his ear, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He could feel Ashton and Luke watching the two of them from their seats.

Izzy leaped from her seat, but this time her arm connected with her Coke. It crashed onto the table and Michael didn't even get to hear one word out of Mellie's mouth. Izzy just sat down in her seat with a beaten look on her face, the Coke ruining her crayola drawings and the ice sliding around the table and on her plate.

"Oh, I'll help," Luke spoke up finally. He pulled his hands out of his hair and grabbed the napkin that was sitting in his lap. But as he reached across from his seat next to Izzy, he also spilled his water on the table. There was more ice on the table now, and with the added liquid it ended up falling on Izzy's lap.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I-" Luke freezes as he stares at the drops of water falling onto Izzy's black jeans.

"It's okay, we're both clumsy." Izzy stood up from her seat and wiped off her pants. "My pants are black, so it doesn't matter. But, we'll probably need some new drinks."

The two of them stood up next to each other, slowly picking the ice off of the table. Mellie snickered into Michael's ear and he watched her as she watched them. Michael bit down on his lip to contain his laughter as he remembered what had happened in the car earlier.

Luke was probably embarrassing himself some more and making the situation a bigger deal than it really is. Izzy kept laughing and patting his arm before walking off to the bathroom to throw the ice away. Michael noticed the clean plates that previously had coke and water all over them.

"Darn it," Ashton said with a pouty lip. He sat back in his seat and Michael looked over at him. Mellie leaned forward on the table, her elbows around her plate, to listen to the conversation.

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