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First and second period was a double period, meaning it was triple hell because Michael has to deal with the same awkward teacher for eighty-four minutes--and also because it was a Monday. After second period was Pre-Calculus which is the stupidest class since Physical Education.

High schools find the need to add 'pre-calc' and 'pre-algebra' for a whole school year class. But really, when you go into 'Calculus' or 'Algebra' you're basically learning the same shit over again.

Michael hated math as a whole, but he hated his math class so much that he actually paid attention and worked.

If Michael was to sit there and not work, then the teacher would come by and ask him a million questions if he was struggling or not--which embarrasses him so much because he's a senior and you're treating him like a seven-year-old that struggles with coloring in the lines. And then if Michael continues to not work, the teacher will send a student over to help him, who is a fast worker and so good at math that he literally is told by the teacher some days to teach the class.

Michael hates this boy so much.

This student is a tutor after school; this student can be found in the resource center during his free period spending his time helping annoyed kids just like Michael get through the struggle of math.

Now, Michael doesn't really know why he hates this kid so much other than the fact that he shares five periods with him--including lunch. That should mean Michael should be friends with him, right? No. There was just something about him the first time his Pre-Calc teacher sent him over to Michael that made him not like him.

So Michael works hard in math class, the one and only year he's ever done that, and he is impressed to say that he has a strong B in this class.

Without the help of a smarty pants tutor, he might say.

Since it was Monday, the first thing the class was supposed to do was to take out their homework so the teacher, Mr. Feldmann, could collect it and then waste his time looking them over after school. Michael took out the plain white sheet with his messy handwriting all over it and placed it on the surface of his desk once he got comfortable. So far it was only Michael and six other kids in his class, who were all on their phones or looking around the room like idiots. Michael sat back in his seat and looked over the homework. Some of the questions had been confusing to him, but he just made up shit for it anyway. Mr. Feldmann graded for completion, not for correct answers. If kids were worried about the answers, Mr. Feldmann told them to go to the class tutor and ask him for help since he has his own schedule to go by.

Michael likes Mr. Feldmann. He's the one teacher that he actually connects to out of every other teacher he's had in this school for the past four years. But just because Michael liked Mr. Feldmann--his students liked to call him Feldy--doesn't mean that he talks to him or answers questions all the time.

Pre-Calc was the one class where he actually answered a question if the teacher called on him. In other classes he just sat back and had this expression on this face to show that he didn't care what the teacher was asking him. Sometimes he worried that the teacher would get offended of his face, maybe because it was so damn beautiful, and give him a detention for his attitude, but so far that hasn't happened.

So Michael sat in his desk with his somewhat crinkled homework in front of him waiting to be collected. Five minutes flew by, and then the first bell to officially start the period and mark anyone as tardy for third period rang. There were maybe two students missing from class so far, but it didn't matter because so was Mr. Feldmann.

Michael didn't worry about this at first, because Feldy always did this. He would come to class late with his white hair looking like he just got electrocuted because he just rolled out of bed and dropped his kids off at school. Or he would come to class halfway through, where there was a sub or the tutor would take over in his place, with a laughing grin saying that everyone should calm down because now he's back.

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