𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ;)

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Hello, Angel readers! Long time no see! I wanted to give my own personal ranking of all my chapters so consider this like a bonus extra thing. Going into this ranking, I considered how well it did, how well written it was, how much fun I had writing it and how plot worthy it was. Enjoy!

1. Ribbons and Japor Snippets (Chapter 14)
2. Clarissé Amidala Extends the Olive Branch (Chapter 17)
3. A Little Boy by the Name of Anakin Skywalker (Chapter 3)
4. The Parade (Epilogue)
5. The Sweet Taste of Victory (Chapter 19)
6. 'I'm Gonna Marry her One Day. . .' (Chapter 9)
7. One Homely Hovel and Shmi Skywalker (Chapter 6)
8. Good Luck, Anakin Skywalker (Chapter 10)
9. The Children of Tatooine (Chapter 8)
10. The Battle Begins (Chapter 18)
11. Beautiful Name (Chapter 4)
12. We'll See Each Other Again. . . Sooner Rather Than Later (Chapter 12)
13. Get into Character (Chapter 1)
14. On Our Way to Tatooine (Chapter 2)
15. Nothing is Wrong (Prologue)
16. Bargaining with an Awful Toydarian (Chapter 7)
17. One Horrible Dug (Chapter 5)
18. Queen Amidala Gets an Idea (Chapter 16)
19. Podracing Can be Such a Drag (Chapter 11)
20. Queen Amidala and Her Merry Band of Handmaidens (Chapter 15)
21. Freedom Can be Ever So Bittersweet (Chapter 13)

Word Count: 225 words

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