chapter 11

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Meanwhile at the police station in the chief's office.

Nedzu, Aizawa, Yamada and Tsukaichi were still going over Izuku's experiment file until Aizawa's phone rang. The scruffy black haired man pulled his phone out of his pocket " it's Tensei.." he said a hint of confusion in his voice

"Well answer it" Namosa urged

Shota nodded before answering the phone with a tired " hello.."

B" Put me on speaker!" Tensei said his voice was stressed and urgent.

" Why?" Shota asked

" Just do it shota!"

" Okay okay!" Shota said before putting his packmate and friend on speaker " you're on speaker Tensei"

" Ok cool! Um, is it legal for an elementary school to have a fighting ring like with a ref and everything?!" The blue haired man said anxiety drenching his words.

" What the hell are you talking about? Of course it's not legal! One: The kids need to be trained for that. Two: They need to be in a more controlled environment. Three: There needs to be someone there to treat Any and all injuries!"

" That's what I thought…" Tensei said before going on. " Well… Shota…. Izuku kinda… um well… he…"

" What's going on with my pup Tensei?...." Shota's rage was clear even through the phone.

" Is our little listener ok!?" Hizashi said starting to panic

" Is my grandpup safe!?" Nedzu said uncharacteristically panicking as well.

" Just spit it out, Ingenium! What's going on over there!" Tsukaichi said, preparing to go right over to the school's park with the other three.

" Izuku's in a fight with a kid with an explosion quirk who was bullying a kid with a quote on quote villainous quirk for his own and the kids honor he says! And three classes their teachers and" Tensei looked about and noticed the fiery number two hero and yelled " GOD DAMN ENDEAVOR IS FUCKING WATCHING THE KIDS FIGHT!"

  "HE'S WHAT!?" All four of the others responded with an angry shout.

  Causing Tensei to briefly remove the phone from his ear before continuing on  " you guys heard me!"

The fight continued as Tensei retold his packmates and Namosa the events that unfolded in front of him.

  " Don't interfere with the fight, Tensei! And don't let anyone else interfere either!" Nedzu warned the young pro hero while reading more of Izuku's file.

   "Why not?" Tensei asked as he flinched watching Bakugou finally land a blast on Izuku. That caused the feral child to yelp but it wasn't close enough to burn him badly.

  " I heard you say that our pup told you that this fight was for another childs and his own honor.." Nedzu said, trying to calm himself.

" Yes and?!" The beta said getting irritated that he couldn't stop the fighting.

  " If izuku truly believes that then any interference from an outside party could cause him to go into a feral frenzy! Which would only end in Izuku the child he's fighting and a few others getting seriously injured!"

   " Oh shoot! Then I better try and stop this kid from interfering by throwing the kid with a very out of control electricity quirk at Izu!" He said as he saw the kid with dragon wings pick up denki preparing to throw the sparking yet terrified pup.

  Namosa grabbed the phone from shota and said in a panicked voice as he turned on his sirens to move traffic out the way." Try your best to stop that electrified kid from getting thrown at Izuku! his experiment file warns of him gaining a new form and becoming fast and temporarily violent and dangerous when he's hit by too much electricity!"

   " I'll do my best!" Tensei said, activating his quirk and launching himself over the crowd to try and stop Denki from being thrown.

  As Tensei hung up the four others pulled up into the police car and began pushing through the crowd to get to Izuku and the kid he was fighting. They got to the middle just in time to see izuku skillfully dodge a blast that was followed by a punch and a kick.

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