✮Sherlock|Sherlock X Reader|Everything But Your Answer

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I have literally no idea what happened but I couldn't stop writing and I like it but I also kinda don't like it on the other hand.

Y/N couldn't take it anymore. She needed to get out of her old flat. She spend so much time in there, she got sick from looking at the white walls. So many hours of suffering, so many bad memories, so many cried tears. She. Had. To. Get. Out. Of. There.

So she called an old friend of her mom. Mrs. Hudson often had free flats and luckily this time as well. 221B Baker Street, second floor, there was a free room for her to move in.

She took the room, after she had met her new flatmate and moved in as quickly as possible. Sherlock had his particularitys, but in a way Y/N liked him and you could've said they were friends.

It was a rainy night. Y/N had moved in a nearly a year ago and at the beginning it really was better, but now it's just the same as before; sleepless nights, having so many emotions at the same time but also feeling numb, overthinking, boredom and so many other things. She sat in her Bed, staring at the wall. 'sleep! sleep! sleep!' Y/N needed sleep and was trying so hard to force herself to it, but nothing worked.

She couldn't stop herself from thinking.

When I went to Speedy's café the other day, I had a voice crack while ordering my croissant. That was so embarrassing!

When I was in 9th grade I slipped and fell in front of my crush.

What if I my best friend secretly hates me, but just doesn't wanna hurt my feelings?

Am I ever gonna be good enough?

Is it possible to make no mistakes? Probably not. But why am I so upset with myself then, every time I make a mistake? If anyone else would've done it, I wouldn't be upset. Whatever.

Which time is it? 3am. Great! I'm not gonna sleep tonight.

Why am I like this?

A tear ran down the corner of her eye as she sat up. Sliding into her slippers, she walked out of her room. She didn't know why, but her footsteps brought her to the first floor. She hesitated on opening the door.

What do I even want here?
Okay, obviously I want to him, but why would he be awake?

She looked down and saw the shimmer of a light under the door.

He's awake.

She knocked, but before she could enter she heard footsteps coming fast nearer the door. The door flew open and Y/N flinched. "What do you want? Make it quick, I am thinking! You're bothering me." Sherlock said annoyed, not even looking at her. She said nothing and he went to her with his gaze. "Why did you cry?" he asked without compassion. "I can't sleep." the girl replied. "Well, that's not really a reason to cry, is it? I mean, I am sleeping neither." his voice didn't had a specific tone.

Even though Sherlock an Y/N were on good terms, she was a bit afraid of asking this:"Sherlock, do you mind, if I come in? I won't bother you, I won't talk, I just don't wanna be alone." "One noise, your leaving." he said and got out of the way. She nodded in appreciation and sat down on the couch. Her flatmate sat on his chair, folded his hands under his chin and it seemed like you could've cut the silence, just like the layer of dust on the cupboard.

She looked around in the flat. It was cozy. The bullet holes at the yellow smilie on the wall we're a bit wierd, but all in all, very cozy. Actually the wierd things, just made it more special. She really liked it. She moved around the room with her eyes. She went from the skull on the fireplace to the door, that leads to the kitchen. From there her gaze has gone to the bookshelve and in the end it got suck on Sherlock, who hasn't moved an inch.

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