✮Tom Hiddleston X Reader|German

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Der OS ist auf englisch, da es sonst irgendwie keinen Sinn machen würde.
Falls ich Fehler gemacht habe, sagt bitte bescheid.

Tom and I were entering the stage and the audience greeted us with claps and whistles. It was my very first interview and I was quite nervous, but also very excited. We sat down and after a couple of minutes the interviewer asked:"(Y/N) you're originally from Germany, aren't you?" I nodded and said:"Yes, that's right." Tom looked at me in surprise. "Really? I didn't know that." he said. "You barely have an accent." he added. "Yeah, I live in the UK quite a long while now." I replied. "Do you might teach us a bit German? I think Tom would like that, since he's so interested in languages." the interviewer suggested, while smiling at Tom. "If you want me to." I answered. "Yeah, why not?" Tom seemed very happy about it.

"Okay, I guess we're starting with the basics." I began. "So, if you would introduce yourself to someone, you would say:"Hallo, mein Name ist..." and than your name. Literally translated it would mean:"Hello, my name is..." You understand?" they both nodded and Tom tryed to repeat after me. "Great! Now we're going to say:"Nice to meet you." it's:"Nett dich kennenzulernen."

We made this a short while and than we got on with the interview. Afterwards Tom and I took a cap and drove back to our hotel.

"It was fun, don't you think?" Tom asked as we sat in the car. "Yeah, it sure was." we smiled at each other. "Can you teach me a bit more german?" I nodded "Of course. Anything you wanna know?" He thought about it and than replied:"What about "I love you"?" "What?" I said confused. "How would you say it in german?" he leened a bit forwards and grinned at me. "That would be:"Ich liebe dich." I went red at this point. "Ich liebe dich,
Y/N." My heart was racing and I wasn't sure if he could hear it beating against my chest. I opened and closed my mouth a few times, but nothing came out, until "I love you too." right then I leened myself forwards as well and he smiled in the kiss.

It's a bit short, but I like it.
Happy new year, ya'll.



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