chapter 10

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No one's pov

Padfoot was planted where he stood, as people walked past him and out of the room. Leaving only him and Remus and Peter alone.

Remus was furious with Lily, how could she humiliate Sirius like that in front of everyone?! Doesn't she realize that he was just worried about his best friend? Not only that, but she snapped at him! Remus walked up to Sirius and wrapped his arms from behind him. Resting his head on his shoulder, and began to comfort him.

Ahhh so cute! Literally my dream to have! (≧◡≦) ♡

Peter's pov

Well shit.

Get fucked I guess.

Sirius dead for real got his ego roasted in front of the whole class. He definitely deserves it, Of course, I won't say that out loud. Does it look like I wanna die?

I peeled the banana that I brought with me to class and began to eat watching my two fri- I mean my two gay- I mean... children.

People have gotta stop assuming that Remus is the parent. That's my role, he acts calm but in reality, he's not at all mature. Remus assured Sirius that he was doing the right thing and Lily was the wrong one.

Who's he kidding!?

( • _•)
/ >💌

No one's pov

As the three boys walked back to Gryffindor tower, Peter couldn't help but think of Lily's words. Pondering his next actions. Yea Peter, self-reflection.

Remus kicked their dorm door with much force, almost breaking it off its' hinges.

Dial it back, son! ( ̄□ ̄;)

The wannabe twilight wolf threw himself on his bed and screeched into his pillows. Pushing his school supplies onto the floor. Mumbling about every little flaw Lily has and how she'll be sorry. For some reason, being madder about this than the future criminal.

Peter's pov

Lily had every right to get mad at us, the way we treated Snape could challenge a Nazi, why did we even do this in the first place? I should've listened to Reg, as always, they're right.

And perfect, adorable, and incredibly dishy. Wait what was I just thinking? Oh right!

I always said I'd leave these ankle-biters, but I love them too much and they won't survive on their own! Maybe it doesn't need to happen right now. Hopefully, these two twits quickly realize how immature they are being. And then we can talk with wannabe Bambi.

"Hey what if we teach Lily a lesson?" Sirius said, doing that evil villain hand thing.

Fuck it.

No one's pov

A banana peel hit the back of Sirius's head," Oi arsehoes!"

Both turned their head to the short sandy-haired boy, fury in their eyes they looked about ready to kill. "Get the hell over yourselves! Stop acting like you can't do anything wrong, it's pathetic!"

"What was that worm tail?" Sirius asked, stomping over and getting way too close to his face. Trying to intimidate the short boy.

"You heard me! You two are acting pathetic!"

"Pathetic? Pathetic!" Remus was the one to talk now, walking to Peter, trapping him between the wall and his body. Slamming his fist near his head.

"How in the hell are we pathetic? You're the one always hiding behind us because you're so goddamn weak! And you follow us along like a little servant, you have no real power... you'd be nothing without us!"

The sound of skin to skin rang through the dorm, Remus cupped the side of his face, head moved towards the door. Peter had slapped him, leaving a red handprint on the werewolf's cheek.

Peter had tears in his eyes, his mouth quivering. He grabbed his school bag and left the dorm running.

The look in Remus's eyes as he talked was inhuman, he looked wild. It terrified Peter, but not as much as his words.

Author's note
Soooo, I'm going to leave it on a cliffhanger because I'm just that evil. And through the entire time of writing this I was thinking, "I'm going to make them cry". It's not long, unfortunately, but it is pretty intense. I hope you have a lovely day or night you beautiful person, stay safe :) 💛

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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