Mutant Pt 5 - Wanda x Reader

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Y/N fiddles with their sleeve as they focus on their thoughts. They weren't aware of just how jumbled they've been until now, being forced to confront them.

Accusations of what they may or may not have down while with 'Barrack,' fears of what Natasha may do with them when they're no longer of use...that one circling image of Wanda that leaves their stomach fluttering. Navigating this mess is a nightmare. So much noise!

Natasha is seated just outside the cell, laptop hiding her face from view. Every few minutes a series of tap, tap, taps intrude Y/N's senses. Then some click, click, clicks. If they weren't so scared of the Black Widow they'd have snapped by now.

"Hey, Y/N, look at me." Wanda soothes, catching on to their fidgeting. Y/N's eyes open as they meet Wanda's.

She's sat across from Y/N, both resting on either end of the air mattress. Wanda's hands itch to take Y/N's and relieve them of all anxiety, but she refrains. "Let's take a break, okay?" She suggests. "Bucky will be coming soon anyway, a breather will do you good before then."

"What about..." Y/N's voice fails, leaving them to point their head in Natasha's direction.

"She won't care, and if she does I'll deal with it." Wanda smiles softly. "I promise."

Y/N hesitates for a moment, looking between the two women. Eventually their shoulders slack, embracing the free interval. "Thank you." Wanda simply nods in response as she keeps her gaze on Y/N.

Butterflies battling in both their chests, neither party dare looks away. "Can I ask you something?" Y/N asks, taking note of the sharp intake of breath Wanda does.

"Of course." Wanda replies, shifting herself to sit more comfortably.

"Do you think I'm bad? Or dangerous?" Y/N's voice is barely above a whisper. Their eyes drop, scared to see Wanda's reaction. "The other day, when Tony first spoke of this Barrack person, I saw your reaction. You looked terrified...I don't want to be a cause of that fear I saw in you."

Wanda throws caution to the wind as she captures one of Y/N's hands in her own. This catches them off guard, prompting Y/N's gaze to return to Wanda's. "I'm not afraid of you, Y/N. I don't think I ever could be, whether you're dangerous or not." Her thumb glides gently over Y/N's hand, warming them all over.

Natasha surveys the pair silently, having noticed their movements from the obnoxious noise of the air mattress. Neither of them notice her stare, givung her the chance to read their interaction.

Uncertainty envelops both parties, tension flowing around them like it were their own personal aura. Wanda's grasp is tight, letting Natasha know for certain that there's more than meets the eye to Wanda's interest in the Mutant. I'll catch her later for a little chat. Natasha thinks to herself, arms folding.

A lengthy ten minutes pass by before Bucky appears. Natasha wastes no time in leaping from her seat. "Finally! You're late." She complains

"I was busy." Bucky replies with a hint of sarcasm. Faint smile present.

"Yeah, okay." Natasha all but shoves Bucky toward Y/N's cell, entering the pin for the door hastily. "Alright Wanda, fun's over."

Y/N catches sight of Bucky and their body locks up. They don't know why. They're aware of who he was, who they made him, but that doesn't scare why does their body react as such.

"You ready for this?" Bucky asks with a quirk of his brow, looking to both Y/N and Wanda.

"I'm not sure this is something one could prepare for." Y/N jokes, feigning an unconvincing chuckle. Wanda gives their hand a final squeeze.

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