I Notice - Wednesday x Enid

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Summary - Contrary to popular belief, Wednesday Addams does infact care for her friends. Enid Sinclair is of a particularly high rank in her exclusive friend list, so when a troublesome habit plagues the wolf Wednesday has no option but to intervene.


To everyone else, Wednesday seems lifeless in her sleep. So still that surely nothing and no one could waken her. Oh how wrong everyone is. Wednesday stirs at the slightest noise, especially when it's her roommate tiptoeing around the room at four am. 

Wednesday used to sleep like the dead at home, completely accustomed to the sudden bangs and crackling within the Addams Mansion. She practically memorised every sound her home made by the age of six.

Nevermore is very different. The buildings are similarly old, just like her home, but it isn't the croaking of rotting wooden panels that awakens the raven. No, it's the ever so subtle whimpers of her forced companion turned friend. The muttering of swears when Enid steps upon a rather loud floorboard accompanied by a painful silence Wednesday presumes is to find out if she'd wakened her. Wednesday never gave it away that she did, deciding that ignoring Enid's early morning (or late night) escapades was the best option.

One night was easily forgettable. Enid slept soundly the next night so it was evident this was a one off thing.

Alas a second time arrived and caused a twisting in Wednesday's stomach that she, for once, did not enjoy. Normally such a sensation would elicit the faintest smirk from the goth, but this time all she felt was dread.

Cometh the fourth night in a row and Wednesday was fearing the worst. It was always the same routine. Muffled whimpering from the blonde's proximity followed by a startled shake from the bed, indicating Enid was awake. This was eventually followed by Enid's feet finding the floor and a trip toward the wardrobe. By this night, Enid had almost mastered which sections of the floor would scream at her for dare stepping atop it. That hardly mattered when the soft cries were always Wednesday's unwelcome alarm.

Enid would fish something out from the wardrobe, presumably something warm before quickly shuffling to the large window and slipping out from her end of the room. The softest click of the window shutting is heard and that's where Wednesday knowledge of Enid's new habit ends.

Wednesday isn't one to judge others oddities, no Addams is, but when your...close friend goes from sleeping completely through the night to waking up at approximately four am several nights in a row, Wednesday can't help but investigate.

So here Wednesday stands, oversized hoodie adorned and Thing standing guard (sleeping on her pillow more like) just incase her stalker decides to show their face. She gave Enid five minutes before venturing out the window after her, expecting her friend to be leaning against the rail of the balcony like they had many months ago. Alas, Enid was nowhere to be seen. Maybe this was a new werewolf thing? Enid definitely changed a bit over the extended break, growing more toned and slightly taller. Wednesday didn't take her for the hunting type, though. 

"Wedns?" Enid calls and Wednesday turns on her heel, finding her roommate perched on the roof of the building. She had a pink fluffy and presumably warm jacket wrapped tightly around her. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Yes, but that is not an issue." Wednesday responds, easily climbing her way up onto the roof. She sits beside Enid and the pair are silent for a while. It is a comfortable silence, a safe one. Then Wednesday finally continues, "So this is where you have been venturing? I did not expect the roof to be of comfort to you."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Enid feigns offense, giggle lightly before abruptly stopping, "Wait, I've woken you before? I'm so sorry Wedns, I thought I was being careful. I would check you were asleep and everything!"

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