Be Fearless Part 5

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Be fearless, be bold, be inspiring, be who you were meant to be, and then proceed and inspire others to be who they were meant to be


With the pressures of daily life, it's getting more and more difficult to maintain positivity, keep ourselves afloat, and still care for others around us. I have picked up a few advantages on the way to help me to help others.

• Caring

• Being fearless

• Earning trust

• Building people up

• Standing ground

• Admitting flaws

• Listening to people

• Being generous

Truly inspirational people share two fundamental qualities;

1: they believe in themselves

2: they believe in others.

They also share other critical traits that make those around them want to be better.

To be caring

Meaning; The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.

This does not necessarily imply that you have to place your whole life on pause to look after people, small steps still get you to your destination.

-If you see someone or something in need and you are in a position to assist, then the only question remains, why don't you? What do you have to lose by helping someone in need?

-How much effort would it take to take a helpless animal to a shelter when you come across one on your way? Or if you can't due to circumstances, simply phone the closest shelter for assistance. The help that you give others might change their lives forever.

Being fearless (brave)

Meaning; showing a lack of fear.

Let's face it, we all fear something. My biggest fear has always been heights, believe it or not, I am petrified of heights, I can't even stand on a chair without getting this nauseous sensation in my stomach. Whether our fear is spiders, maybe heights like me, or even reptiles, I have heard of some people showing fear of clowns.

I know some fears may sound silly to me and you, but for the people who live with these fears, it's a reality they have to face daily. I can't believe there can be anyone out there without fear, everyone fears something, maybe minor but still fear.

What drives true fearlessness? When we face our fears, truly face them. In my instance, the fear of heights. During my life I had to climb multiple ladders, get on planes, and stand on chairs to change a light, facing my fears. Every time we face our fears, they become more distant to us.

Earning trust

I know I mentioned previously that there are very few people that I trust in this life. The key is to earn people's trust, not offer.

Display to the world what it looks like to be trustworthy, and be an example to others. I broke numerous people's trust in my life and will always regret this until the day I pass. I work on this factor daily to show people that I can be trusted, trying not to violate the trust that I have built.

People require one another to discuss their emotions, blow off steam, and talk about daily challenges they face. If we don't have anyone to trust and to communicate with, those emotions and loads we carry will build up, and the consequences may be irreversible.

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