Relationships and Mental health Part M-13

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Daily goal - Work on mental wellbeing before committing to a relationship.

From my personal experience, I have seen that being in a relationship and not having control over one's mental health, becomes a threat to both individuals, physically and mentally.

From my childhood home to my own failed marriage, I have witnessed first-hand what mental instability, and a relationship does to not just the individuals themselves but the people closest to them as well.

We first need to find ourselves, who we are and learn to love ourselves. We need to be able to take care of ourselves before we can even imagine taking care of others. It's a rule I recently started to live by, and has helped me in many situations thus far.

In the case of my own failed marriage, I was mentally unstable for a good part of the relationship. It was only when I decided to work on myself that things started going downhill for the both of us because this person wanted me to be there for her, and all I wanted was to escape from reality.

I had no control over my mind and I let it happen, which is why it is important that we do not enter into relationships until we are mentally stable, otherwise all will be lost.

We need to spend time with ourselves and understand that we as human beings have emotions that need to be dealt with at some point or another during our lifetime.

We need to heal from any past traumas to be able to stay in a healthy relationship.

I have seen amazing couples become toxic and rip each other apart, leaving trauma not just in their lives, but those around them because one or both had untreated mental health issues.

From my marriage, I have seen this, we were happy in the beginning, but as time went all those untreated traumas started entering my mind bit by bit, day by day, without me even realizing till it was too late. The trauma left from that marriage is irreversible.

Find yourself, your path, heal and spread your wings first before entering into a relationship. After the healing process has been completed, then the relationships that follow will be an unbelievable experience.

I never said this was going to be easy, especially for someone who has abandonment issues or dependant disorders, this won't be an easy task, yet nothing worth something in life ever came easy.

We should love and accept ourselves for who we are, not change who we are due to another's wish.

You are perfect!

I am perfect!

He is perfect!

She is perfect!

We are perfect!

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