Accepting oneself Part M-0

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Daily goal - Today is the day that you forget what the world sees, look past all the judgments thrown around, and just be the perfect way you are now.

Mental disorders, difficulties, or obstacles should not be frowned upon, we should not hide in a dark room alone, we should not have to hide away from the world, and we should be able to express ourselves uniquely and perfectly, in the way we are.

Accept yourself because that's the starting process of healing. Don't be ashamed because of what others perceive as "normal", you are perfect the way you are.

When people notice my scars, they either frown, ask excessive and uncomfortable questions or assume that I am dangerous, yet my scars are a reminder of my strengths and what I had to endure to become who I am today. I accepted my scars, I accepted my past, and I accept who I am and where I came from.

Accepting ourselves plays an immense role in the healing process, we change for others or because society needs us to because we are not what their standards demand us to be, but this is exactly what breaks us.

We should not be forced to become who we are not. Just imagine the strength within yourself for getting out of bed in the morning when your whole being screams to stay in bed, staying alive when everything inside screams for an end or when we go to work but everything inside believes that the world is falling apart.

We have so much more strength than most can comprehend.

Accepting ourselves for who we are and learning to cope with mental difficulties assist massively in the healing process.

Look in the mirror and realize what you had to endure to survive, being able to read this book today means that you have already succeeded and that you are stronger today than yesterday.

Be the Hero you deserve.

Inspire the you of tomorrow.

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