Journaling Part M-4

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Daily goal - start a journal

If there was one good experience I learned from my then therapist was that I had to start writing down my feelings, he told me to get a journal and write my emotions and feelings down daily.

I started my journal, and my journal became my published book. I loved writing so much that writing changed my life, and ripped me away from the brink of destruction.

I now pass you the instruction to start your journal as my therapist once instructed me. Who knows, perhaps you will become the next author, or your journal might just save your life. Either way, you have nothing to lose in starting a journal, you only have knowledge and wisdom to gain.

Write down your feelings, your emotions, your thoughts, your experiences during the day, who greeted you, who was rude towards you, or simply what your dreams are for the future. No one is going to read your journal; your journal belongs to you, and there is no right or wrong when writing a journal.

The goal is to release those thoughts and express yourself where you would not be judged or frowned upon.

Express yourself through your words! Release all those emotions that pile up consciously and unconsciously during the day. Write about your dreams, and what you want to accomplish in the future. What are your reasons for wanting to keep living, who loves you, who can't lose you from their lives?

You are loved by many "even if you don't see it now."

Another exhilarating experience is building your journal from scratch. I used basic A4 paper folded in half, some glue, cardboard for the binding, and an old T-shirt for decorations. The experience of building one's journal from scratch is highly therapeutic and creates a sense of accomplishment.

So, go on, what are you waiting for? Get those artistic vibes surging.

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