Understanding the mind and body Part M-19

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Daily goal - Get to know your mind and body.

During my studies of the mind and body, I have learned that the more I understood how my body and mind works and operate, the more I can heal and control what happens to me physically and mentally.

The more I understood, the more I know what to do and what to avoid when doing certain things in my daily life. By understanding the biology behind the mind, we can control what we allow to affect our mental states.

Take for instance our perception, did you know that our perception of something influences the way our senses perceive something?

For example, two individuals from two different cultures might see the same painting but perceive it differently. This is because of the cultural and societal influences that each individual has been exposed to.

The same goes for our body, our perception of the world around us influences the way our body responds to sensory input. This is why many people can have different perceptions of a situation or event, and their mental state can be completely different from another person's mental state.

This is why we must always be aware of what we are perceiving and if it is accurate or not, and if we are being influenced by something that does not represent reality. We must always try and understand what influences us mentally, physically, and spiritually to keep a healthy balance in our daily lives.

Understanding your mind is essential in keeping a healthy mental state. It is important to understand your own thoughts and feelings so that you can control them better instead of letting them control you.

We all have thoughts that come into our minds daily, did you know that some of those thoughts are negative? Did you know that some negative thoughts stay with us for most of the day?

The more we let them stay with us, the more they grow on us until they become bigger than they really are, which will lead to a bad mood or worse, depression!

By understanding how the mind and body works, we are doubling our chances of healing, I would not have overcome my mental instabilities if it was not for the knowledge I accumulated and that I learned how to control the impulses my mind had.

If we are not in control of our minds and bodies we would never overcome the battles raging within our minds.

Remember the end goal of our mental battles should be to overcome and not be defeated or lied to by our minds.

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