Accepting flaws Part M-5

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Daily goal – accepting yourself for who you are

No human is without flaws, we are all flawed in some, or another way. Whoever says they are not flawed lives a life of delusion. 

Accepting one's flaws, and learning to live a life emotionally unbound should be our greatest accomplishment and undertaking in life.

We should accept what makes us unique, not break ourselves down because this is our ultimate gift! "Being unique"

Never become emotionally bound to something that wreaks havoc within the mind and heart, release whatever bounds you to a negative mindset, discharge yourself, and live a life, that's emotionally unbound because you are worth it. You are worth more than you perceive to be, you are one, you are you!

Having Mental Health difficulties unquestionably does not define a person, nor does it define who someone is or becomes. Do not be bound by what the world assumes, be the best version of yourself and learn to deal with your difficulties on your own terms. Accepting your flaws is a milestone to healing and becoming the best version of yourself.

Becoming emotionally bound refers to the emotions that we carry around, we have to become in a certain manner to please others. This to me is unacceptable, we can't fight a battle in our minds and simultaneously battle to please those around us, it's impossible.

Let go of the burden that others add to your pressure, your only goal should be that of your mental health stability.

I am bound to no place nor person, some would argue this is a lonely existence, yet I disagree completely.

Being unbound from negativity doesn't necessarily suggest that we exclude all emotional affection, we are free to determine with whom we love.

Recognize that we should always assign our mental health first and foremost.

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