Meditation Part M-9

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Daily goal -Research the benefits and ways meditation can improve one's life, then take the first step and meditate for a more stable mental state.

When I started researching ways that may help with my mental health state, I came across the term "meditation". This was something I knew nothing about, my family never mentioned this, nor did I learn meditation during my brief existence.

As I drove deeper into researching meditation, I discovered that by meditating at least twice a day for a minimum of 20 minutes a session, we can heal spiritually, mentally, and physically.

There are hundreds of manners to meditate, and each person or website will teach you a different method of meditation, yet during my healing journey, I have learned that there is no right nor wrong when it comes to meditation. The most important aspect of meditation is healing from inward to outward. There is no right or wrong stance.

Breathing is remarkably important in meditation as this is feeding oxygen into the mind, and the mind is where ultimately, we expect to heal.

When choosing a position, it's best to choose a position that's comfortable for you because during the meditation period you would want to stay as still as possible. Again, while staying still, breathing remains extremely important.

While in a meditation state, do not force your mind shut, let your mind flow, focus on the thoughts that arise, and learn where the negative thoughts originate. We want to get to the root of the issues we have in our lives, and the best place to start is within our minds.

If your thoughts are silent, this is also fine, just focus on staying silent and becoming one with your mind, controlling your mind and what goes on in your mind should be one of the main priorities.

Don't make too big of a deal of meditating, as I have mentioned before, we want to heal, and when forcing something, we are not healing. Take it slow, breathe, have a conversation within your mind, and become comfortable with spending time with yourself.

I can't count how many times people said to me that only unstable people talk to themselves, or it's fine if I talk to myself as long as I don't answer myself.

Let me tell you that one of my biggest healing processes was in having a conversation with myself. I can talk to myself, answer myself, and even argue with myself if I have to. This helped me to get comfortable with my mind, we spend 24 hours a day within a body, and what controls our bodies? Our minds!

Conflict resolution is best solved with an open-minded conversation, so why not solve the conflict within the mind.

Our minds are the engines of our physical bodies, teach your mind, have a conversation within your mind, and most important, become comfortable being within your mind.

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