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Okay, let’s rewind a bit. My name is (Y/n) (L/n), and I’m a 16 yr old student, at UA High. I’m an average girl, with a slightly above average life. I have an echo-location quirk, which allows me to “see,” by bouncing soundwaves off objects. I have three amazing friends, and an Aid, Erushi. I mean, it’s no coincidence we have been in the same class forever, even though she is older. She actually graduated a while back, and did all her studies at an accelerated pace, just so she could be with me. In primary school, she was home-schooled, so being in class with me was not a problem. I couldn’t be more grateful for her. Regardless, all those subtle jabs/hints from people about seeing, aren’t directed at my quirk. I am blind. 

How do I study? Gian-San sits beside me in every lesson and is fluent in braille. She takes some of the notes for me, and others, I am able to record and take down myself. My textbooks, and handouts are either in braille, or digital and read to me.

Do I use a walking stick? No, I don’t need one. I always have someone on my arm to help maneuver me around, and when I don’t, I can use my quirk to “see” my surroundings. With my quirk, I am able to tell how far an object is, if it is a hard or soft surface, the density, speed, and direction of motion. 

So, I can see? Nope. Blind as a bat. My eyes are useless. I don’t actually need them at all. I guess a better way to describe it all is projection. An image is projected into my mind and I am able to tell the difference between shapes, based on how saturated each one is. When I mention color though, it’s more like what you see when a seeing person rubs their eyes too hard and “sees stars.” The “colors'' outline the shapes and some of the details. However, faces and 2-dimensional details are a challenge, near impossible to discern.

Do I know what my friends look like? Kinda. I use my hands to feel my way around, and help create my mental images. So, when it came to their faces, they let me touch them. Anything else I know about their physical features, is based on what I am told, or what my quirk allows me to see. 

And as for my Hero costume, Erushi designed it. I told her a general idea, and she put pen to paper for me. 

In general, I have had it pretty easy in life, and the school has been very accommodating towards my situation. Vlad Sensei makes sure that I’m able to participate in all our exercises, both in the classroom, and training grounds. Due to only having 4 out of 5 of the senses, my other functioning ones have to work harder to pick up the slack. And as an outcome, my hearing is heightened, as well as my spatial awareness. I have never really been treated differently by anyone, just with a little bit more concern and care. Erushi and my friends always try to make me feel included, and are generally just there if I need them. 

All in all, despite my inability to see, my life is still just average. I’m your everyday highschool kid. 

“I know Sensei, and I don’t intend on relying on her forever anyways.” I nodded my head. “And I know I can’t rely on my quirk to see either.”

“Good. Well, at least you’re aware.” Vlad King turned back to his computer and dismissed me. I shrugged my bag over my shoulder, and made my way back to the dorms. When I got to the gates of the school, Kendo called my name, and fell in step beside me. 

“Let’s do something tonight.” she blurted.

“Oh, um, like what?” We don’t usually go out, and if we do, we will plan it a few days in advance.

“Well, Ashido invited us to a girls night, with some of the other 2-A girls.” She giggled, and I assumed Ken was texting Shoizaki and Gian about Ahido’s invite. 

“Sure. We haven’t done anything in a while, so it might be good for us to get out.” Good for me to get out. I should probably branch out and make some more friends. I mean, even during my work study, I keep to myself. Yes, Erushi was there, but like Sensei said, I can’t rely on her forever. Eventually I will be living alone, and working as a Pro-Hero with my own agency, and I can’t have someone holding my hand through it all. Literally. 

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