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I let the staff guide me to the clearing. I didn't use my quirk and instead tried my best to just go on the sounds of my surroundings and memory from making this walk on a regular basis. I had no idea what this was going to be about. It was odd how direct he was with me, and stranger yet that he had been in the hospital room that night. I had gotten to see a different side of the explosive boy that the rest of the world knew. And in all honesty, I quite liked that side. It made up for him being an asshole. I only activated my quirk when I got to the clearing, scanning the area for the familiar head of spiky hair. I walked over to where he was sitting, took the spot beside him and set the staff on the ground next to me.

"I wish I could have seen the stars too." I said.


"That night in the hospital, you said the stars looked pretty, and you wished I could have seen them."

"YOU WERE AWAKE?" Bakugo didn't sound angry when he said this. Or rather yelled it right at me. It was more like he was confused.

"I woke up just as you were leaving. I thought I was alone until you spoke but by the time I opened my eyes you had already left."


"Why did you "invite" me here." I emphasized the word invite with air quotes, as his invitation was more of a demand.

"This is where we first met. What does it look like to you?" I picked up my head and scanned the clearing with my quirk.

"Mostly just trees and grass." I wasn't exactly sure how to explain what it was I saw. I only saw depth, dimension and surface. "How about you?"

"Blue sky, dandelions and a spot in the ground where the grass has been worn away from training."

"I take it the trees are scarred and beat from taking blows?"

Bakugo laughed at my suggestion. "Yeah, they're not in the best shape. The sky is clear and the leaves are all still green. I also see a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. And there's a boy with blonde hair, and red eyes sitting next to her."

I smiled and felt his fingers touch my hand.

"Can I?" he asked. I nodded my head and he guided my hand to his face letting me feel the surface. It was a sweet gesture. Not one I would have expected from the boy beside me. I let my fingers ghost over his brow and nose, bringing them over his eyes, to his cheeks and then to trace his jaw.

"Your skin is soft, and it smells sweet." My cheeks warmed up as I spoke.

"It's my sweat. My quirk makes it so I sweat nitroglycerin."

"I like this soft side of you. It seems so out of character though. You've made yourself to be this brash, loud and angry person, so it feels weird to have you sitting beside me quietly and being so gentle."

"I'm still loud and brash."

"Oh, I know."

We both laughed softly and I bumped my shoulder into his. I turned my head to him and smiled with my eyes open. Bakugo's fingers touched my cheek and tucked my hair behind my ear. I felt him lean closer and press his lips to my brow.

"What do you see?" he asked.

"I can't see anything." Bakugo brought my hands back up to his face.

"Can you see me?"

My smile widened and I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against his own.


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