NINETEEN: Dynamight

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She was awake. Whispers still drifted around classrooms, hallways, and the lunchroom about what had happened, and where she was. Police reports came out and the media did their best to cover the situation. It had been almost a week since y/n was discharged from the hospital and allowed to go home. People talked about her being back at school and by the time lunch rolled around, all suspicions were confirmed, because there she was sitting with the other extras from 2-B smiling and talking as if nothing had ever happened. The only thing different being the cast that decorated her arm.

"Have you talked to her yet?" Shitty Hair nudged my shoulder while chewing on a mouthful of food.


"You should." He smirked at me and the rest of the self-proclaimed "Baku-squad" stifled their laughs.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes at the group of idiots. My phone screen lit up beside me as a text notification popped up.

Pinky: *shared a contact: y/n*

I turned my phone over and shot Ashido a glare, to which she shrugged and continued to eat. Count on her to play matchmaker and have all the ins and outs of everyone. The ultimate people-watcher, gossip, schemer and cupid.

All through the rest of classes my thoughts kept drifting back to the text, and seeing her back here. I barely paid any attention to whatever was being written on the board, or handed out to us. The dismissal bell was the only thing that cut through my drowning thoughts. Kirishima, Denki and Sero walked in tow as we headed to the dorms. The redhead followed me up to the room, and before going into his own, he stopped at my doorway.

"Dude, just text her or something."

I gave a bark of laughter. "Or something. Shut up."

Kirishima smiled at me and winked as he left. I opened the text from Mina and mentally cussed myself out.

New Contact

it's Bakugo:

pinky gave me your number:

call me:

I threw my phone onto the bed and went to the bathroom to change out of my school uniform. When I got out, she had responded and the phone was ringing. I answered and put the phone to my ear.

"I'd like to see you."

"Oh, okay." Y/n sounded as if I her caught off guard.

"Meet me in the clearing in ten minutes." God, I'm stupid.

I shoved my hands into my pockets and left the room with my headphones in, muttering something about going for a walk to Dunce Face as he passed me.

It was a nice day out. The grass was green, the sky was clear, and it was cool enough to comfortably wear long sleeves. The clearing was not too far from the dorms, but it was where we had our first conversation. I sat myself under a tree and leaned my back against the trunk, taking out my earbuds and just letting the sounds of nature and the city consume me, and when I heard footsteps and a faint tapping, I opened my eyes. There she was.

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