NINE: Echo

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Rock Lock had me take the week off, so for the next few days, my calendar was scheduled with a whole lot of nothing. Thankfully, this allowed me to catch up on some school work, and rest my body from using my quirk. I love my work, I really do, but sometimes a girl needs her rest. I was really overdue for some self-care. I decided to take a long, hot shower, listen to some Joji, light a candle, and do a face mask. As I was cuddled in bed with my favorite munchies snack something nagged at me.

I wish I could say I didn't care what people thought of me (I usually just pretended not to), but I do care. And the way Bakugo talked about me hit a nerve. People gossip in school. I'm blind, not deaf. I can read a room. And even though he has never said anything negative to me outright, word still gets back.

I heard him and his other red-head friend sparring the other day. I didn't mean to be spying or anything. I had just stayed late, and was on my way to the dorms. I was using my quirk to get by and could feel his gaze. That's another thing I didn't like, people staring. So I said something. But seriously, I wasn't sure what his problem was. I'm aware that he holds general animosity towards everyone, but what did I do wrong?

I was having a hard time figuring out how I felt about him. On the one hand, I had no real reason to like him. In fact, I had many reasons to dislike him. But, I couldn't bring myself to harbor that negative emotion. He was just more of an annoyance. A loud annoyance, except for that few minutes in the clearing. He was calm. Like the kind of calm that comes after bad news, and right before a total breakdown. It seemed out of character. A total 180 from the explosive rage I had seen days prior, and heard almost every other day. And yet, it seemed totally within character. The side that is kept a secret, that gets hidden away, and is only let out when totally alone. The soft side of him. And on the other hand, he interested me. I liked that calm side. And if I was being totally honest, he's kinda hot.


Monday rolled around again and that meant school. I had just walked through the gates when I was oh, so rudely bumped into. Actually, I bumped into them, but it was their fault for just stopping like that!

"Watch it." It was a familiar masculine voice.

"My apologies." I bowed my head in what I thought and hoped to be their direction.

"Tch, whatever." The boy said. As he was leaving, I activated my quirk and caught a glimpse of his hair. I watched as he walked away, and was swallowed by the crowd of students. Bakugo.

Erushi called my name and brought me back from my gaze. "Ready for class?"

"Yes ma'am." I let her guide me through the school and to our classroom before speaking again. "What is Bakugo's hair color?" She paused before speaking.

"Blonde. Why?"

"Just forming a mental image." I shrugged it off, and she let out a hum of acknowledgement. I could tell she didn't quite believe me. Shit, I didn't even believe me. I faced forward as the familiar ring of the bell sounded and lessons began. Vlad Sensei guided us through another average day of lessons until lunch hour rolled around.

Eru and I walked to the lunchroom to sit at our usual table with Kendo and Shoizaki. I did a quick scan of the lunchroom activating my quirk as we sat. In the corner of the cafeteria, I saw a group of the 2-A students, including Mina and Bakugo.

"Earth to y/n." Kendo said, tapping my shoulder. "You ok there?"

""Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm just peachy." I flashed a small smile and closed my eyes letting the conversation continue. I could feel someone looking our way and I opened my eyes to scan the room once more. Mina sent me a small finger wave, and I returned it with a smile. Someone's phone buzzed on the table.

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