TEN: Dynamight

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She's blind! Well no fuck, that's why she bowed the wrong way earlier. Explains the blindfold too. I stood there dumbfounded while others finished up their matches. She doesn't know what I look like. If she couldn't see my gauntlets, how did she know to avoid them? She probably doesn't even know what she looks like. That last thought hit a nerve. I didn't need to be thinking about that stuff. But now it made sense as to why the other girl was always with her.

Kirishima clapped me on the back, pulling me from my thoughts. "Hey bro, how was it?"

I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh at the thought of her pinning me. I shrugged Kiri away and turned for the changerooms. It was embarrassing being pinned by a girl, especially a girl in a class lower than mine. I pulled off my gauntlets following with my top, and threw on my shirt.

"Dude, I think your arm is bleeding." Dunce Face gestured to my tricep. Sure enough a nice long gash was exposed, and small beads of blood had dripped onto the floor. Fuck. I'd have to get it cleaned and stitched.


We all got back to the school to go our respective ways. I walked to Recovery Girl's office and knocked on the door.

"One minute!"

Name: Chiyo Shuzenji
Alias: Recovery Girl
Age: Unknown
Hair color: Gray
Eye color: Unknown
Height: 3'9.25 ft
Quirk: Heal; allows the user to speed up the healing of injuries of others with a kiss. The more serious the injury, the more energy it expends from the user.

There was some muffled talking and shuffling in the office. When the door opened, I stood face to face with my former partner. A bandage was wrapped around her neck where my hands had been minutes earlier. A twinge of guilt passed through me, and I stepped to the side, letting her pass without bumping into me.

"Thank you." she said in passing. I wasn't sure whether it was directed towards me or Recovery Girl.

"Come on in." the old Hero said. "My, that's a lovely cut you have." She took my arm and looked at the gash. "Who's blade did this? It's a nice clean cut, and should heal relatively fast with five or six stitches."

"Happened in training."

She nodded in response and prepared a suture and numbing. I turned my head away and closed my eyes as the needle was inserted. She waited and sanitized the wound before starting with the stitches. When they were done, Recovery Girl gave the cut a kiss and wrapped it in gause.

"Don't tear the stitches." She said, and with that opened the door to usher me out.

I thanked her and walked back to the dorms. The door to my room was open when I got there, and Shitty Hair was seated in front of my bed playing some game on his phone. I put my school bag on my desk chair and sat down beside him letting my head fall back to rest on the mattress. I exhaled heavily and sat in the comfortable silence.

"I saw her at Recovery Girl's." I finally said.

"Yeah, you did a number on her neck. But I see she gave you a good knick." Kiri looked up from his game to glance at my bandaged arm. "What do you have against her?"

I didn't have an answer for that. She just bothered me. Got on my nerves, and made my adrenaline rush.

"Whatever. Hey, wanna join the others and game?" Kiri shoved his phone in his pocket and got up.

"I'm good." I glanced over at my weights on the floor.

"Alright, well see you later man."

I watched as he left and shut the door. I sighed, turning on my usual playlist and got up, going over to pick up the dumbbells. The cool metal handles provided a nice contrast to my hands. The weight provided a sense of comfort as I tightened my grip. I brought the weights up in a curl and paused before lifting the weights over my head for a shoulder press. I watched my reflection in the window as I cycled through sets of different lifts. Different thoughts drifted through my mind fueling me to keep lifting. The burn marks. Her bumping into me. My hands on her throat. Hands...Shigaraki. That place. CLANG! I looked down and saw the weights had fallen to the floor.

"Jeez, are you okay?" It was Pinky throwing my door open. She must have been with the others.

I looked at my hands. They were shaking. "Yeah, they just slipped." I said.

Kaminari poked his head into the doorway and pulled Ashido away. "Okay, just checking in." she said before leaving.

Why did I have to think about that? I put the weights back to their regular place and grabbed a towel to go shower. Shit, I forgot about the stitches. I wrapped some plastic over the gause to not get it wet before stepping into the shower and letting the hot water sting my skin. I just need to clear my mind.

I stepped out of the shower and threw the towel over my head, watching as the water dripped onto the floor. The mirror had fogged up and beads of condensation raced each other to the bottom. One droplet slowed before joining another droplet to fall faster, eventually dripping onto the counter top. Envy panged at my chest. There was a sense of serenity and peace in watching the steam float in the room, and condensation on the mirror. A feeling that I had been lacking for a long time.

I picked my phone up off the counter and let my fingers type without thinking.

Shitty Hair

I'm going out:


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