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I felt nothing. There was no stinging, no aching, nothing. Machines beeped somewhere next to me and a bed was beneath me. Not a very comfortable one though. I laid there keeping my eyes closed, as there was no point in opening them. I knew I was in a hospital and didn't need to see the room to know it. The beeping machine and pressure of an IV gave it away.

"The stars look nice tonight." Bakugo's voice broke the silence and he moved to the other side of the room. "I wish you could see them."

He closed the door behind himself as he left. His voice was solemn and sounded sad as the last bit was whispered. I reached over to the bed rail trying to find the call button. My fingers found it and a nurse rushed in moments later.

"You're up!" She sounded hopeful and relieved. "I'll call for a doctor immediately, and let your parents and teacher know. How are you feeling?"

"Fine I guess. I don't really feel much, I guess it's the morphine." I laughed softly.

"Yes, that would be it. You took quite the fall. Your left arm is broken and you were pretty banged up. Most of the bruises have started to fade, but you hit your head and most likely have a concussion."

"How long was I out?"

"Six days." The nurse paused at the end of the room. "All of your friends, family and teachers came by to see you. I'll be right back."


My parents came to the hospital the next morning and I was discharged by late afternoon. Erushi had come by to drop off school work I had missed and spend time with me. I could sit up and walk, but my body was still sore. The doctor advised me to take a few more days off work and school, so I stayed home and was to return to the dorms the following week. Police came to the house a few times to get my statement and reporters stopped by to try and get the scoop. I only activated my quirk a few times while resting, and tried to use the staff more. My Hero costume was ruined and a new one had been delivered to the dorms for me as well as new blades and holsters.

Erushi had also caught me up on the whole Dabi situation, and said that the case had been handed off to some of the higher-up Pros. Part of me was relieved that we were no longer on it, but the other part was frustrated that our efforts were in vain. After weeks of tracking him down, keeping the little girl safe, and going after Zookeeper, one would think that we could at least keep the Villain in custody. But nothing is ever easy or simple in this line of work. Just when things seemed to be going right, something always had to go wrong.

When I got back to the dorms I was welcomed with open arms. Everyone was relieved to see me. I knew they had questions, but they left me alone for a while. I assumed Eru had told them to give me some space. Kendo popped by my room later in the evening to ask how I was feeling and if I needed anything, to which I told her I was alright, and would see everyone in the morning.


I knew going to class the next day was going to be difficult. My body was still sore and people wanting to know what happened was exhausting. The teachers did their best to have everyone give me space. Monoma surprisingly said nothing about my state and the whole event. Majority of it was still confidential after all.

The staff was getting easier to use as a guide through the halls, and I only used my quirk when I absolutely needed to. I didn't need to exert myself more than necessary just to get to class. Rock Lock had told me to take off as much time as I needed to heal, but try and keep up my training. Obviously the cast on my arm was going to make that difficult. Lunch hour rolled around and I joined my usual group at the table to eat.

"How are you feeling with today?" Shinso asked me.

"Honestly I'm okay, just tired."

"We were all pretty worried about you. Please don't do anything like that again." Shoizaki gave me a side hug as she spoke. Though her tone was playful, it was laced with concern, and sincerity.

"Haha, I'll try."

I let the sounds of the lunchroom fill my ears and the conversation buzzed around me. It felt good to be back here. Back to the normal, average activities of the day.

School ended and Mina joined us for the walk back to the dorms, wanting to hear all about my adventure. In turn, she filled me in on the gossip I missed at school. Gotta love that girl. I had just gotten into my room and flopped onto my bed when the automated voice on my phone read out a text.

"New text from : Unknown Number : It's Bakugo. Pinky gave me your number. Call me."

"Text back: give me one sec." I spoke into the receiver. "Please name the contact: Bakugo Katsuki."

"New contact created: Bakugo, Katsuki."

I put my school bag away and threw on a hoodie and a pair of leggings before calling the boy. He picked up on the second ring.

"I'd like to see you." He said. Talk about blunt.

"Uh, okay."

"Meet me in the clearing in ten minutes." The line went dead after that. 

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