TWO: Echo

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The lunch bell rang, signaling that class was over. I placed my books in my bag so Erushi and I could go meet Kendo and Shoizaki. We each pulled out our respective lunches and sat down at a table, on the far end of the cafeteria. A few of our other classmates joined us and we made light conversation. I lowered my head and directed my gaze to my food. My fingers found the clasps on the lid of the bento, and popped it off. The smell of rice and dumplings were no surprise. Another average lunch.

"I prepared pork dumplings for you today." Erushi spoke up. The corners of my mouth tugged into a smile and I stabbed my fork into my food.

I felt his narcissistic presence before the boy spoke, and I sighed. 

"Typical (L/n). Fork, instead of chopsticks I see."

I raised my head but didn't turn to face him. 

"May I help you, Monoma?" He put his hands up in defense and shrugged smugly. I scoffed as his footsteps retreated to the opposite end of the table.

"Don't let him get to you."

Name: Hitoshi Shinso
Alias: (None)
Age: 16
Hair color: Indigo
Eye color: Purple
Height: 5’9 ft
Quirk: Brainwash; after someone responds to him, he gains total control over their body. Can control more than one person at a time, but must activate them separately. Quirk has to willingly be activated

Shinso’s monotone voice trailed him, as he sat down beside Kendo. I flashed a smirk his way, “I never do.” I heard a soft chuckle escape him, and I turned back to my food. The five of us ate in a comfortable silence, for most of the rest of the lunch hour. 

“So, did you guys make many modifications to your suits?” Shoizaki asked.

The boy shook his head and the orange haired girl beside him clasped her hands together excitedly, and explained the small modifications she decided to make. I smiled softly to myself, and closed my eyes, just taking in the moment. I felt Erushi’s arm nudge mine, and I faced her.

“Oh sorry, I was lost in thought. I did make some alterations, but you guys will just have to wait and see.” I could hear my friends' slight annoyance as they giggle, but I knew it’s all in good fun, and love. Love. Now that’s a word I hadn’t thought of in a while. And the last time I did, well, let’s just say it made things a little awkward in the group. 

After the internships, during our first year, Shinso began spending more time in our classroom, even though he was still in class 1-C General Studies. But my friends and I welcomed him in, nonetheless. He’s really chill and seemed to just click, and fit right in with us. You know how two puzzle pieces fit perfectly together? Yeah, exactly like that, thus bringing our quartet to a quintet. As we all got closer, I developed feelings for him. Really strong ones. I thought it might have been love, but my feelings weren’t reciprocated. Shinso seemed to drift away for a bit, and whenever I was around him, I’d keep my head down and play with my hands. Eventually, we were able to hang out normally again, and even though I still love him, it's not in a romantic way. Purely platonic, regarding the indigo boy. See, I’m just like every other kid. I even have the same average rejection story as all the rest.

The bell rang again, and we all headed back to the classroom. This time however, instead of Erushi on my arm, Shinso accompanied me. I turned my face up to him and he patted my head gingerly. Cute. A smile tugged on my mouth and I faced forwards again. When we got to the classroom Vlad Sensei had our costume boxes already on our desks for pick up.

“I expect you all to be changed and ready to go by 12:30. Once we get there, I will assign partners and explain the exercise. Understood?”

“Yes Sensei.” we responded. 

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