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"Shadow, you will go inside and take care of any cameras." The Fly said. "Echo, you will join Rock Lock and I. After the cameras are disabled, Shadow will inform us via earpiece and we will enter through the back. From there, we'll split up and everyone will take a different floor. He is in the building. A plain-clothes officer will be positioned at every entrance. The whole building is being watched from the outside. He is in there." I nodded and put my earpiece in.

It had been two days since that night on the beach and just this morning I had gone to Hatsume and tested out my new staff. I was sleek, and lightweight just as she had explained. God, I loved that girl's mind so much I could kiss her. Not long after the first period had started, Erushi and I were called out of class on a lead. The Fly had called her and ordered us on scene as soon as possible. We were going after Dabi.

I was still getting used to using the staff, so I kept it collapsed and tucked into my hip holster. The broom handle was light and allowed me to practice combat and get a feel for the new equipment, but I didn't want to take it out until I needed it.

Erushi patted my shoulder as she left for the building. The three of us waited for her signal, and once her voice came through we headed around the building.

"You can take the third floor, the stairwell is about 5 feet to the left. Use your staff if you need it, but try to be as quiet as possible. We don't want him moving around much." Rock Lock spoke from beside me. "Call us if you need us." And with that he left.

The Fly went up the stairs with me. Eru was already on the second floor, and the Hero went to cover fourth. I kept my hand on the door to ease it shut. After I heard the click, I let my quirk activate. With my first step, sound bounced off of walls, windows, doors and potted plants. The image formed clearly in my mind, and I slid the staff into my hand. Near the top of the pole, the wrist strap was attached and the other held the "ball-point" plastic. Applying pressure inwards to that end would unhook the inside mechanism, causing the staff to expand to its full length.

The silence was deafening. It was eerie serene before the monster or killer jumped in front of the unfortunate victim. It reeked of death and impending doom. I could feel my pulse racing as the blood pounded in my ears. The only sounds being the faint echo of my footsteps which poured color into my mind. There were 4 doors before the hall ended and turned to the right. The windows were to the left and I could feel where the sun peeked through the drawn curtains. I stopped to listen outside the first door. I got onto my hands and knees and put my ear to the crack between the bottom of the door and the tile. Using the collapsed staff, I tapped the floor and sent an echo through the room. The room was deep and went farther to the right, most likely to occupy the space on the other side of the stairwell. The visual came back with what seemed to be table and chair legs. A conference room would be my guess. When I stood up, I tried the handle and found it to be locked. My thumb slid over the flat key insert, letting me know that this door was most likely locked from the outside. I continued to the second door and repeated my actions, with similar results. The room was not as wide, but was about as deep as the previous, and held more tables and chairs. The third and fourth were different though. They were shorter, maybe half the size, and held more furniture, most likely offices of some sort.The nameplate on the doors were surnames followed by the room numbers 303 and 304.

"Second floor is clear." Erushi's voice cracked softly through the earpiece.

When I rounded the corner I sent a small tap against the wall. Two doors this time, both with no handles, seeming to be push doors. I put my hand to the wall feeling for a sign. My fingers caught on the braille, reading "Men's Bathroom." I didn't have to read the other to know it was the women's. Potted plants decorated the corners of the hall and the sound of their leaves moving indicated air vents either in the floor or overhead.

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