Part 1

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George's pov

I walk through the empty, cold streets,  no one near by.

It's nice.

The rain drenching me as I walk.

I've been warned about how dangerous the streets here are but I don't care.

They just seem empty, all the shops have been closed for ages here, it's creepy but cool.

I normally rather walking here then in town, there's hardly any cars by, the only weird thing that's happened to me was someone trying to sell drugs to me.

I refused.

They followed me for a little then stopped.

It's beginning to get dark.

I hear footsteps behind me, I turn around, no one.

I turn back around.

I'm just imagining things.

I hear glass smash on the concrete not to far away from me.

I don't turn around, I walk faster, starting to get a little scared now.

I suddenly feel something hard hit me on the head causing me to fall to the ground, then I'm completely out.



"He's quite pretty isn't he?" I hear a mans voice.

"Indeed" another man says.

"How hard did you hit him clay, he's been out for like 6 hours now, it's supposed to be 2 hours" Someone else says.

"Maybe he's dead" one laughs.

I try to move my arm to rub my eyes but my arms are tied behind something.

"He's awake" one of the men say.

I open my eyes slowly, my head throbs.

"Starting to think he was actually dead"

I look up at three men, all with masks covering there faces.

The tallest and most muscular one has one with a smiley face on it.

The others just have random masks on.

"What is happening?" I whisper.

"I don't know" the one with a smiley face mask says.

One of the others laugh.

One walks out of the room and the other follows.

"Who the fuck are you?" I say as the smiley face mask man leans down to my height of where I'm sitting.

He grabs my chin and pulls it towards him.

"Didn't anyone warn you of walking around the streets" he whispers.

I stare at him, he runs his thumb over my lips then pulls my bottom lip down.

"especially when your so small and pretty" he adds on.

I move my leg to kick him in the crotch.

He puts his knee down on my calf and puts his weight on it, I wince, "don't do that" he whispers.

He moves his knee off me.

"Take off your mask" I whisper, "if I take off my mask then I'll keep you forever" he whispers, "where am I?" I look around the room.

"No where near anyone you know george" he whispers and let's go off me.

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

He shrugs and stands.

I try to kick him again.

He turns around and stands on my thigh, he brings knife to my throat.

"Don't do it again, I don't really want to have to kill you so early" he whispers.

A tear leaves my eye.

"I'm not going to hurt you georgie" he whispers slipping the knife up my throat and pointing at my chin.

"What do you want?" My breath hitches, "I wanted to punch the shit out of you everyday until your dead but I think I'll keep you" he whispers.

"Maybe you will get a couple punches though" he shrugs and pulls the knife away from me.

"Why me?" I ask, "because you were stupid enough to walk around the streets" he whispers.

Then he stands and walks out of the room slamming the door.

Tears stream out of my eyes and I bring my knees to my chest.

"How long should we keep him?" I hear the faint voice of one of the others say.

"I think we should keep him for a while then kill him, I mean, we can't keep him for to long, they'll have everyone looking for him" the other one says.

"No ones gonna find us nick" the smiley face masked one answers.

"I know, but, if we keep him, what are we gonna do, I mean, we'd have to feed him" one says.

"And thats what we'll do"

kidnapper // dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now