Part 3

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George's pov

nick pulls me in the living room and throws me on the ground.

"Please dont" i whisper as he begins to punch me continously.

I scream and cry.

But he doesn't stop.

"Nick" I hear clays voice, nick stops.

I continue to cry as my body aches all over from places nick kicked or punched.

"Dude, your making me feel sorry for him hearing him scream and cry like that" clay says.

"Yeah but I really needed to punch something" nick says.

"I'll take him for the rest of the night" clay whispers.

"Right" nick says and stands then walks off.

I watch as clay now with the smiley face mask on walks over to me.

"Get away" I sob.

He sits down on the arm chair next to the couch.

"Are you gonna get of the ground?" He asks.

I kick his shin.

He stands to punch me.

"I'm sorry, please don't" I sob and cover my face with my hands, I feel his arms slip under me and lift me bridal style off the ground.

I continue to cry.

He places me on the couch then sits on the side of the couch.

"Shhhh" he whispers calmly and places his hand on my forehead.

He wipes my blood nose with his thumb, it's not as bad as the one he gave me earlier.

I don't stop crying though.

"George it's ok" clay whispers.

"It's not, you fucking kidnapped me" I sob loudly.

Clay shrugs.

"Maybe I did, but I'm not harming you as bad as what the others could have done to you on the streets" he whispers.

"You know, one of the worst guys were about to stab a knife into your guts George, I knocked you out just in time" he whispers.

He holds my hand, I pull my hand away, "fucking rather be dead then this" I sob.

He wipes my tears away.

He takes both my hands on his hand holds them.

I tense my fingers, I move my hands up with his to my face he let's go of my hands and takes one.

"George, please calm down" he whispers.

My breath hitches each breath as I try to calm down.

He places a hand on my forehead.

I burst into tears again.

He stands and closes all the curtains so it's pitch black.

He walks back over to the couch and pulls me up.

"Let's just hope the sun doesn't come up" he whispers as he pulls me onto his lap and hugs me.

I rest my head on his chest and continue to cry.

But I stop crying after a little.

He rubs my arm with his hand.

I reach up and cup his cheeks.

No mask.

I feel him smile.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask, "because I can" he whispers.

He pushes me off him and puts his mask back on.

I laugh and lay down on the couch.

He sits on the arm chair.

I close my eyes.

Later sleep overtakes my body.

"Nick you shouldn't of hit him so much, did you not feel sorry for him?" I hear clays voice.

"I thought you wanted that" nick answers.

"I know but the pain in his voice was to much for me" clay says, "are you getting a soft spot for him clay?" Nick teases.

"No" clay quickly says.

I open my eyes softly then rub them, I look at them, clay doesn't have his mask on, but I can only see his dirty blonde hair anyway.

Clay quickly slips his mask.

They both look at me.

It's cold.

"Are you gonna tie him back up?" Nick asks, clay nods slowly.

Clay walks over to me and grabs my arm.

He pulls me up roughly.

I stumble a little.

Nick throws him rope and clay pulls me to pole.

I shake my head and pull my arm away, he grabs me tightly and pulls me back.

He grabs both my arms around forces them around the pole.

I try to pull away but he wraps the rope around my wrists.

"I can't go anywhere so what's the point" I say, he tightens the rope.

I wince, "can you loosen it?" I whisper, he does a little then ties it.

"The point is that your a little less annoying" clay whispers.

He stands and walks over to nick, I slide to the ground and sit down.

I wonder if anyone actually cares that I'm gone.

kidnapper // dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now