part 4

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George's pov

"We need food" nick groans opening the fridge.

"Karl we need food" clay yells.

"Why do I have to go, I always go" karl Complains walking out of his bedroom with he mask on .

"Please" nick groans.

"Fine" karl says.

As karl  Walks by he purposely stands on my foot.

I wince because I'm only wearing socks.

I rest my head back on the pole.

"Alright see ya" karl says grabbing keys then leaving.

Clay turns the tv on.

He puts the news on, "your not famous yet" he says to me.

"Like anyone would care" I roll my eyes.

Nick brings a knife to my throat.

"Stop talking back" he says.

"I can do what I want" I whisper.

He pressing the knife into my skin.

I wince, "nick" clay says.

Nick pulls the knife away before he goes any further.

I feel the blood trickle down my body.

Clay grabs a tissue and places it under my neck wiping the blood.

I stare at the mask.

He stands back up and leaves the tissue on my neck.


It's getting dark again.

I'm hungry and cold, and still tied to a pole.

I don't know what clays cooking but it smells good, but it's not like I'm getting any.

I watch as he gets 4 plates out.


He puts pasta on each plate then carrys 2 plates to karl and nick on the couch.

He takes a plate in his hand and walks to me.

I watch as he does.

He has a knife in his hand which scares me a little.

He places the plate on the ground next to me then walks behind me and cuts the rope.

"Eat it" he whispers.

I stare at the mask.

He turns away and walks to grab his plate then sits down on a armchair.

I grab the knife and fork on the plate and begin to eat, surprisely good pasta.

When I'm done I pull my hoodie over my legs to try and be more warm.

It doesn't really work.

Clays gets up, he walks into the kitchen and puts his and the others plates in the sink.

He looks at me, he motions for me to pass him his plate, I stand and put my plate with my knife on the counter.

He takes it and puts it on the sink.

Clay walks around the counter and down the hall.

I sit down on the floor again.


I'm getting late now.

The others all went to there own room, I sit on the couch again, it'd freezing cold.

I think clays watching me tonight but he's not here.

I stand up slowly and walk to the door, I open it, the floor creaks.

I open it to what looks like the woods.

"Your probably safer here then out there George" i hear clays voice, I turn around.

"I was just looking" I whisper, he laughs, I look around outside again.

I step outside, clay doesn't move.

"Theres a lot of bears out there" clay says.

"Your only saying that" I say.

"Alright" clay says.

I walk out a little, clay walks in the doorway.

I walk a lot now.

I look around.

I spot a bear.

"I told you" clay says, it begins to run at me fast.

I feel someone grab my hoodie and pull me, I close my eyes, I get pulled inside quickly then the door shuts and  locks.

I open my eyes.

"Your an idiot" clay says and opens a cupboard.

He pulls out a blanket and walks over to the living room.

He sits down on the couch and pulls a blanket over himself.

I walk into the living room and sit down on a armchair.

I pull my hoodie over my body, clay pulls out his phone and scrolls on it.

"Wheres my phone?" I ask, "you think  I'm that stupid that I'm gonna give you your phone" clay says.

"Yes" I say.

He stands up and pushes his hand around my neck and tighten it.

I can barely breath, I grip his arm trying to push it away 

His mask falls down, he loosens his grip on my neck, I stare into his emerald eyes.

He has freckles painted on his cheeks and dirty blonde hair thas a little in his eyes.

He's actually really hot.

He let's go of me and throws his mask on the ground.

He seems really mad.

kidnapper // dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now