part 12

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George's pov

I feel a hand placed on my cheek, I groan and opens my eyes slowly.

I look up at clay, "hmm what?" I groan, he smiles, "lunch" he whispers, he places a plate on my bedside table with a sandwich on it.

I look at the closed door, then I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him on top of me.

He tickles me a little, I laugh, then he cuddles into my chest.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

He lifts his head and looks up at me, I open my eyes.

"Your so pretty" he whispers, "even when you sleep" he adds on, we both burst into laughter and I push him off me as we laugh.

"You creep" I laugh, he wheezes.

It's the most I've heard with laugh since he kidnapped me.

After we've calmed down clay kisses me on the cheek then looks at me, then he leans down and licks my cheek.

I groan and wipe my cheek with my sleeve, then I lean up and lick over his lips, he laughs then he leans down and presses our lips together, I smile into the kiss.

He brings his leg on the other side of me so he's hovering over me.

He pulls away, I put my hands in his waist, he leans down and kisses me again, roughly and with tongue this time.

I kiss back, After a little he pulls away and gets off me.

He kisses me on the forehead on more time then leaves the room.

I sigh.

I wish he stayed.

I sit up and grab the plate with my sandwich on it.

I begin to eat it.

The door opens again, "nick and karl are gone" clay says walking in topless.

I smile and he sits down on the bed infront of me.

I've eaten half of my sandwich.

I place the plate on clays lap.

"George, eat it" he whispers.

I shake my head, "I'm full" I whisper, he stares at me.

He picks up the sandwich and makes an airplane sound and pushes the sandwich to my mouth, I laugh and take a bite.

I eat it then swallow.

"Ok that's enough" I say, he nods and takes a bite out of the sandwich.

"George, do you have an eating disorder?" He asks suddenly finishing the sandwich and putting the plate on the bedside table.

I look at him.

He looks back at me, he lifts me then pulls me into his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck tightly and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah" I whisper.

He rubs my back.

"Thought so" he whispers, "some days it's really bad, others it's fine" I whisper.

He pushes my waist away and I pull away and look at him.

He brushes my hair out of my face, he leans in and kisses me softly on the lips, I kiss back softly.

He pulls away and cups my cheeks.

"Tell me if your having a bad day" he whispers, I nod slowly.

"George" he whispers, "I will" I whisper, "promise?" he asks, "I promise" I whisper.

"Good" he whispers.

kidnapper // dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now