part 13

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George's pov

I wake up the next day in clays arms.

I smile and look up at him, "good morning" he whispers in a deep morning voice.

"Morning" I smile, he smiles down and me then leans down and places a small kiss on my forehead.

"Nick and karl didn't come home?" I ask, "they stayed at a friends" he whispers.

I cuddle my head into his chest again.

I hear the front door open.

Clay kisses the top of my head then gets out of bed and slips out of my bedroom.

I sigh.

I sit up and look at the time.


About half an hour later.

"George breakfast is ready" clay yell.

Oh, breakfast.

I get out of bed and walk out of my room and into the kitchen.

I look at the plate of eggs on toast sitting on the counter.

I sit down on a stool, I look at the plate infront of me.

Clay leans against a bench eating his food.

I have to eat it, clay will think I'm stupid.

I grab the knife and fork and get a small peice of toast with egg on the fork, Clay leans on the counter and stares at me.

I look at the food on the fork.

Stop being stupid George.

Just eat it.

I quickly put it in my mouth, I chew for a couple seconds.

I'm gonna throw up.

I quickly get up and run down the hall.

I hear clay follow me as I run into the bathroom and throw up in the toilet.

I look at clay, he stares at me.

I promised.

A tear leaves my eye.

"I'm sorry" I whisper.

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.

I fall to the ground.

He pulls me onto his lap.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I repeat the same words.

"George it's ok" he whispers and pulls me on top of him.

I wrap my arms around his neck and cry.

He holds me tightly.

Clays pov

I love him.

I love him sm.

It hurts seeing him upset.

I see nick and karl appear in the doorway.

George doesn't, which is good.

I close the lid of the toilet, "shhhh" I whisper to George.

Nick finally realizes George's ed.

His facial expression changes.

He looks at karl, nick grabs karls arm and pulls him away.

I kiss George on the head softly, "your alright George" I whisper, "I want it to stop" he sobs.

"I know you do" I whisper, "but sometimes thats not how it works" I whisper.

I slowly stand up and lift him bridal style.

He continues to cry.

I carry him down the hall and into my room.

I sit down on the bed and them lay down.

George's lays next to me and puts his head on my chest as he crys.

I wrap my arm around him and rub his back softly until he's calmed down and is now asleep, I pull a blanket over us carefully.

Then I play with George's hair, I pull out my phone and scroll on it as I play with his soft hair.

The door suddenly opens.

Nick barches it.

"Clay-" he looks at us.

"I knew it, karl, I told you" nick yells and walks out.

"They've been fucking behind our backs" nick adds on.

I smile.

George moves a little.

Karl Walks in and stares at us.

"Oh. My. Gosh. I totally ship it" he walks back out.

I smile.

"Can you tell them to shut up" George groans.

"Go to sleep" I whisper, "I can't when they're yelling" he whispers.

I pull a couple blankets from under us and pull them over us.

"Shhh" I smile.

A couple minutes later, he's asleep.

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