part 8

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George's pov

I'm guessing it's late now.

Nick and karl went out together so it's just me and clay in the house, it makes me a little scared to be honest.

I don't know why.

I open my door to my room.

I spot a cat in the hallway.

They have a cat?

I bend down and pat it.

It walks off into clays room.

I could find my phone.

I walk to the door of clays room.

Clay is in the living room watching TV or something so he's not in his room.

I slip in his room and look around.

It's not messy, but it's not clean.

I walk to his bedside table and open it quietly.

I look in.

No phone.

I open the next drawer.

No phone.

I walk over to a shelf, there's pieces of paper then scribbled writing on it.

I pull out the piece of paper and read the words.

(What am I doing?)

(What's happening?)

(Oh please, just take me home.)

(Oh home.)

Does he write songs?


"What are you doing?" I hear clays voice, I place the piece of paper on the shelf.

I look over at him.

"Nothing" I whisper, I begin to walk out but he puts his arm in the doorway.

I look up at him.

He leans down to my ear.

"What were you doing?" He whispers in a deep voice.

I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Looking for something" I whisper and turn my head away.

He stares down at me.

"For what George?" He whispers.

I look up at him, he leans down, our faces inches apart.

"For what?" He whispers again.

He glances at my lips.

I press our lips together.

What am I doing?

He doesn't kiss back, but he doesn't pull away.

I pull away and look at him.

Clay stares at me surprised.

"Shit" I whisper and try to walk past clay, he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

He leans down and crashes our lips together.

Surprised for a little, but then I kiss back.

He places one of his hands on my hips and the other cups my cheek.

I wrap my arms around his neck and separate the kiss for a little then lean in again, he slips his tongue in my mouth and walks into the room more.

He pushes me against a wall and pins me there, he leans away then back in.

I run my hand up his neck and through his hair.

He runs his hand up my chest to my neck.

He leans away from my kiss and kisses my neck.

He runs his hand up my neck and over my ear as he trails kisses back to my lips.

He moves his hands down to my thighs and grabs them.

He pulls one up around his waist then the other.

He carrys me to his bed as I kiss him.

He sits down on his bed so I'm on his lap.

I pull away from the kiss and kiss his neck, sucking different spots on his neck.

He tilts his head to the side.

I feel a bump underneath me on his lap.

I look at him, he grabs my arms and turns us over pinning me to the bed below him.

He hovers over me.

I run my hand up his shirt, over his abs and chest, then back down.

The sexual tension in both of us growing.

He gets off me and we both begin to remove our clothes.

He's done before me, he pulls my boxers off quickly and climbs on top of me and kisses me roughly.

I kiss back then feel Clays dick slam into me.

I moan into the kiss.

I roll my head back causing clays lips to run over my chin, he groans and begins to thrust into me roughly.

My breath hitches and i wrap my legs around clays waist.

He doesn't stop thrusting into me, clays hand grabs my thigh tightly.

He pins my hand above my hand by locking our fingers.

I moan loudly as he hits a weak spot, "fu~fuck" I moan as he continues to hit the same spot hard and fast.

I place my free hand on clays bare shoulder as I hold my breath.

I let out a moan after a little.

About 10 minutes later I feel warmth fill my body.

Clay pulls his dick  out of me and rolls next to me.

He runs his hand up my stomach and to my chest then back down.

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