part 17

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George's pov

"I was kidnapped" I whisper.

"By them!?!" She says.

I nod slowly.

"But, you can't turn them in, they aren't like that, I had the choice of coming back but I didn't want to come back" I explain quickly.

"What?! George, you didn't want to come back?!" She asks, I shrug, "Mum, I think I fell inlove" I whisper as a tear falls down my cheek.

Her heart drops.

"I feel inlove with the kidnapper" I begin to cry, "aw George, I know it's scary" she whispers and hugs me.

"That's not why I'm crying, I'm crying because I can't even see him" I sob.

"Him?" She asks.


"Yes" she pulls away and looks at me and smiles.

"Love doesn't just get pushed out of the way, I bet he'll find a way to see you again" my mum whispers.

I shrug.

After a while I walk up to room that's been left the same as it was since I left it.

I sit on my bed.


A week later.

I sit in my room staring out the window, watching the rain fall.

"George there's a package for you down here" my mum yells.

I get up and walk downstairs.

I take the package and look at where it's from.

'Clay :)' it reads.

I quickly take it upstairs and into my room.

I sit on my bed and quickly rip the package open.

The first thing I see is one of his hoodies.

I smile and take it out, I smell it, it still smells like him.

A tear leaves my eye.

The next thing I see is a blue bracelet and a note.

I big the note up and open it.

'Dear George.

I hope this actually reachs you because that's my favorite hoodie and I would be upset if it doesn't get to you.'

I smile as a tear falls onto the note.

The bracelet is matching one I'm wearing right now, my ones green though, because blues your favorite color and greens mine :)

Anyways, I want to inform you that I'm crying and my tears are all over this peice of paper, I feel like suddenly a peice of my life is missing.

I miss you so much already, I hope you haven't already forgotten about me because that would be sad.

I love you so much George.

I want you to know that, I don't think I will ever stop loving you.

I want you to not think about me to much but don't forget me, I want you to be happy with someone, even if that person isn't me.

(If  it isn't me I will be incredibly jealous)

Anyways, I love you george.

Please don't forget that.

Love clay <3'

I am now uncontrollably crying.

I look at the bracelet and put it on.

I stare at it.

I hold clays hoodie in my arms and lay down on my bed.

I cuddle it and cry.

Soon I'm asleep cuddling clay hoodie.


kidnapper // dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now