part 16

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George's pov

We sit on the couch at 6:00 exactly dreading when nick comes in.

I hold clays hand tightly and rest my head on his chest.

"Its time to go" I hear nicks voice.

"Ok" clay whispers.

I stand and so does clay.

We walk into his room and he hands me my hoodie to put on.

I take his hoodie off and put my now clean one on.

"Can I keep it?" I whisper referring to his hoodie.

He shakes his head.

"What's your address?" He asks and I tell him.

"Why?" I ask, he smiles, "because" he whispers.

He walks to a drawer and pulls out my phone and keys.

He hands them to my as a tear leaves his eye.

I take then and put them in my pocket.

"George I love you so much" he whispers.

"I know" I smile, "fuck, i don't know how I'm going to live without you here" he laughs.

I smile, a tear leaves my eye.

"Come on you guys" karl yells.

"I would take your phone number but that's also to risky, I'll send you something in the mail" he whispers as we walk out.

"You don't have to clay" I laugh.

"I want to" he smiles.

We walk outside, we slowly get in the backseat of the car and nick and karl in the front, nicks driving.

I rest my head on clays shoulder as nick begins to drive.

Clay places his hand on my thigh, "George I'm gonna need to to lie down" karl smiles looking back at us.

I nod slowly.

I lay down and rest my thread on clays lap.

He plays with my hair  softly.


We've been driving for an hour now.

We've reached my neighborhood now too.

The car stops.

I sit up.

"Well" nick sighs, I sit up, I look at clay.

I lean and kiss him passionately, he kisses back.

I pull away and he kisses my forehead.

I smile, a tear leaves his eye.

I wipe it away.

I open the door and step out of the car.

"I love you too" I whisper and kiss his hand softly.

He smiles, I then turn and clay let's go of my hand.

I walk onto the footpath my house is right here so I walk up to it and get my key out.

I unlock the door slowly and open it.

I look it and my mum stares at me in shock.

"George" she whispers.

"Uhhh hi"  I say, she runs over to me and hugs me tightly, I hug back.

"Where the fuck have you been" she begins to cry.

"I got lost in the woods" I lie.

"I thought you were dead" she whispers.

"Did you not get my texts?" She asks looking at me.

"My phone died" I whisper.

She stares at me then cups my cheeks.

"Oh my gosh george" she whispers and kisses my cheek.

"I can't believe it" she says.

"George" I hear my sisters voice.

I turn to her and look at her standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah" I nod slowly, she runs over to me and jumps on me, "you stupid idiot, you made me cry" she says and pulls away and starts punching me.

I laugh, "so you actually do care about me?" I say, "no I hate you" she smiles.

I laugh.

Clays pov

I watch as George's mum run over to him and hugs him tightly, she begins to cry too, then his sister hugs him too.

A tear leaves my eye.

"You alright" karl asks looking at me.

I nod slowly.

Nick begins to drive away.

George's pov

I look back at the car driving away.

"What really happened george?" My mum asks looking at the car.

"Go to your room" I push my sister away.

She rolls her eyes and walks away.

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