part 9

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George's pov

I sit up and look at clay.

Clay stands up and grabs my clothes for me.

He slips my boxers over my feet and then up my legs, I stand so he can put it on properly.

He runs his hands up my body

To my waist then stops and looks down at me.

He reaches over me and grabs my sweatpants, then also helps me put them on.

He walks over to his dresser when he's finished putting my sweatpants on and throws me a hoodie.

I hold it in my hand, "put it on" he whispers then gets changed himself.

I pull the large hoodie over my head and put it on.

It smells like him.

It's nice.

Clay has sweatpants on and a t shirt.

He looks over and I watch as his cheeks go pink.

He quickly looks away.

"Are you flustered clay?" I tease.

"No" he says, I wrap my arms around his waist, "yes you are" I laugh.

He laughs a little.

"Are you laughing clay?" I laugh, he does too.

I let go of him and sit on his bed.

He opens a drawer.

"Your phones been blowing up" clay whispers.

"Are you checking it right now?" I ask and peek over the drawer, he is.

"Maybe" clay says.

"I mean it would be blowing up, I've been missing for a while" I say.

"Do you wanna leave?" Clay asks.

I gk quiet and lay down on his bed.

I shake my head.

"Why not?" He whispers and sits on  the edge of the bed.

I shrug.

"It's not that bad here" I whisper.

"I couldn't let you go anyway" clay shrugs.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Isn't that obvious, your probably reported missing, if I let you go you'd tell everyone I kidnapped you" clay says.

"Ok" I shrug.

He smiles at me.

I hear the door open, I sit up quickly.

"Come on quickly" clay says grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

He pulls me down the hallway quickly then slips me into my room.

Clays pov

I slip George into his room quietly, nick comes into view, "did you get anything for me?" I ask acting like nothing.

"Ye~yea I got drinks" he says drunkily.

"You are so fucking pissed" I laugh.

I help him to his room then walk out to where karl is.

"How was the party?" I ask, "good, did you take nick to bed?" Karl asks.

"Yep" I say.

"He really needs to stop drinking" karl groans.

"Yeah" I agree.

"George can you do the dishes" karl yells.

"Why can't you do them?" George yells.

"George get your ass out here befo-" karls cut off by George walking out

I look at him, he looks at me.

He walks into the kitchen and pulls his sleeve up.

Karl notices the hoodie he's wearing is mine and looks at me confused.

I shrug.

George's pulls the sleeves of the hoodie up and begins to clean the plates.

I watch s he does.

"I'm going to bed" karl says and walks out.

"Night" I say.

I hear karls door close and George continues to clean the dishes.

George's pov

As I'm cleaning a glass I feel two arms wrap around my waist.

I feel a kiss on the back of my neck softly, clays hands move down my thighs then on my ass.

I turn around quickly and look up at him.

He places his hands on my waist I wrap my wet arms around his neck, careful not to get my wet hands on him.

He leans down and presses our lips together, I kiss back.

I lean away then turn around and continue to clean the dishes.

Clay puts everything away for me, when we're done I walk down the hall to my room.

Clay follows me  into my room.

kidnapper // dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now